Happy Juneteenth!


Aug 6, 2015
you or none of you clueless spineless new age activist are in any authority to go back and dictate to our ancestors who they were. we are american citizens, but we are an african race. you clowns will not continue to disrespect my ancestors. lets make something clear "we didnt build shyt!! THEY built it, and we sit today pissing on their legacy because we want to be some bootlicking cowardly american who will dismiss the continued mistreatment of us in this country and rock they flag on principle but disregard what we built to instill pride culture and education to our people.

the white man spent hundreds of years, telling our people they did us a favor bringing us from africa, we were nothing but savages before then, our people fought to restore our legacy, to show the world we were great before we were brought here on slave ships, and now you got these "americans," literally validating the disrespect to our legacy. basically saying the slave masters who spent decades telling our ancestors this, were right. yall have lost yall damn mind.

and if im not telling you anything how didnt you know about the free african society? we didnt just sit lingering on plantations until the white man found it in his kind heart to let us go. these societies like the free african societies, the free african union society, the african lodge, the african baptist churches etc, is how we organized, how we helped runaway slaves, how we would falsify free papers so slaves couldnt be returned when the slave catchers got them, how we fed and clothed orphan black kids etc, that is our legacy, not celebrating finally being recognized as a dam citizen in a country that continues to mistreat us to the dam day.


Happy Juneteenth! :smile:




Jun 22, 2014
then say your the descendants of africans, not no dam shameful shyt like being a dam slave. you all rather keep the demeaning title of slave, in which again, our ancestors fought heavily against that term, but dismiss , again the culture and customs they fought and bled to maintain, while white society was working to beat that part out of them.

you seriously need to pick up some slave narratives and learn what happened to our ancestors. you clearly have no clue. how you gong to be descendants of a people and not be them, then turn around hoping to get recompense from what those descendants endured all while dismissing their heritage?

Free African Society - Wikipedia

Free African Union Society - Wikipedia

African Free School - Wikipedia

African Dorcas Association - Wikipedia

African Lodge No. 459 - Wikipedia

African Methodist Episcopal Church - Wikipedia

you want to talk respect but disregard that these mutual aid societies, black churches, served as the aid and means to unify and galvanize organize, which helped us get to freedom. and this was present among us over 200 years.

keep pushing my buttons, i will begin to post the slave narratives. let the ancestors tell you themselves where they came from, and who they were proud to be. you proudly adorn the dam flag of our oppressor while shunning the flag, the societies and organizations that fought tooth and nail to get us freedom in this country. you negros have become pitiful no backbone no fight. poster above talking about blood in the soil, yea, cause the european dedicated a ton of time spilling it. you all cuddle up to them though. dam shame smh

Our (afram) ancestors knew they were of African descent and took pride in that but they thought of themselves as AMERICANS, true americans, at that

The Free African Society ended up being against going to Liberia for the reasons I just stated


Sankofa Alwayz

#FBADOS #B1 #D(M)V #KnowThyself #WaveGod
Feb 22, 2017
Pretty Girl County, MD
our ancestors we not all slaves

our ancestors were proud africans, until the negro conventions

evidence by:
the free african society
the free african union society
the african masonic lodge
the african dorcas society
the free african schools
the african methodist episcopal church
the african baptist church

and about another 100 i can name that celebrated us being african.

your literally trying to stake pride in a nation that has mistreated us and subjected us to 2nd and 3rd class citizenship , at the same time saying drop africa because you "heard" they look down on you. that is the biggest slave minded mentally abused Stockholm based position i have ever witnessed. our ancestors were not ducking and hiding to celebrating being no dam american. our ancestors were being persecuted for continuing african customs and culture. some social media activist who have little to no understanding of our history dont get to go back in time and rewrite our ancestors experience, they were beaten for playing african drums, they were punished for speaking african names and languages., they didnt get punished for speaking english and saying they were american. our ancestors were sneaking and passing down african culture, lynched for being caught praticing african customs. so stop the bullshyt

Take this dumbass shyt out this thread kneegrow :camby: