you or none of you clueless spineless new age activist are in any authority to go back and dictate to our ancestors who they were. we are american citizens, but we are an african race. you clowns will not continue to disrespect my ancestors. lets make something clear "we didnt build shyt!! THEY built it, and we sit today pissing on their legacy because we want to be some bootlicking cowardly american who will dismiss the continued mistreatment of us in this country and rock they flag on principle but disregard what we built to instill pride culture and education to our people.
the white man spent hundreds of years, telling our people they did us a favor bringing us from africa, we were nothing but savages before then, our people fought to restore our legacy, to show the world we were great before we were brought here on slave ships, and now you got these "americans," literally validating the disrespect to our legacy. basically saying the slave masters who spent decades telling our ancestors this, were right. yall have lost yall damn mind.
and if im not telling you anything how didnt you know about the free african society? we didnt just sit lingering on plantations until the white man found it in his kind heart to let us go. these societies like the free african societies, the free african union society, the african lodge, the african baptist churches etc, is how we organized, how we helped runaway slaves, how we would falsify free papers so slaves couldnt be returned when the slave catchers got them, how we fed and clothed orphan black kids etc, that is our legacy, not celebrating finally being recognized as a dam citizen in a country that continues to mistreat us to the dam day.
Happy Juneteenth!