Hamas says now in "Open War" with Israel promises "Gates of Hell"

Jul 25, 2012
:rudy: Those European Jews belong in Poland, Russia or New York and you know it.

That's no less racist than saying that black Americans belong in Africa.

Zionism is a delusional ideology. Ask any Palestinian where their grandparents are from and they'll tell you Palestine.

Really? Here are some of the most ardent pro-Palestine supporters (Hamas) saying something different.


Ask an Israeli where their grandparents are from and they'll list off European countries.

Except that 50% of Israel's Jews are Mizrahi, meaning, from the Middle East. When you add Arab citizens of Israel (who tend to support Israel) you now have a Middle Eastern majority Zionist country. Why do you hate brown people so much? :smugbiden:
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Sep 15, 2012
That's no less racist than saying that black Americans belong in Africa.

^Black people didn't forcefully enter the United States with guns, raping and pillaging and setting fire to every Native American village. European did that to Palestinians and as they did it to Native Americans in this continent. They razed countless villages and massacred plenty of civilian populations. So your point is moot when it comes to trying to establish equivalency.

Except that 50% of Israel's Jews are Mizrahi, meaning, from the Middle East. When you add Arab citizens of Israel (who tend to support Israel) you now have a Middle Eastern majority Zionist country. Why do you hate brown people so much?

Palestinians at one point featured Jews, Christians and Muslims peacefully but the European Zionist intrusion of the land ended that. Quit your Zionist propaganda, there was an ethnic cleansing that completely revamped the regions makeup.

This is how it looked like In 1896 when Palestine was a functioning state before the criminal Balfour declaration. Keep in mind Arabs of all religions in the area welcomed the European jews until the Stern and Irgun militias started bombing Palestinian landmarks like the King David hotel and massacring civilian populations.

Here is a video of Palestine in 1896: Jews Muslims and Christians living peacefully

Why do you hate brown people so much?
The fukk you talking about? If you're going to troll do it correctly. I am black. :thehell?:
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Go Wizards, Go Terps, Go Packers!
Staff member
May 16, 2012
The PLO/Fatah have surrendered... they have given up all resistance and are now trying non-violent resistance which is scaring the hell out of the Isreali leadership in power. They are also questioning the 2 state solution, because the Isreali settlement activity has made a viable Palestinian state impossible.
Even if they are given independence today, because of the settlements which Isreal will not remove, they will be bantustans. No differrent than Transkei Republic and other bantustans created by the apartheid regime.

The PLO/fatah have also given up on the right of return, Mahmud Abbas recently said he would like to visit his hometown in Isreal where he was born as a Tourist. :wtf:

This caused some concern and criticism from his party but if the leadership feels this defeated, imagine the Palestinian people. :wow: It's clear the population as a whole isn't into anymore conflict and just wants decent living.

The only resistance is Hamas, and they will not give in.

What its heading into is a 2 state solution alright but not what people think.
The PLO now increasingly considers uniting with Isreal an option, given rights, and regional automony not independence. The problem is, Israel will lose any Jewish majority but Israel can't keep occupying territory especially when its own citizens are expanding into settlements every day. The clock is ticking..

Independence will be given to Gaza which nobody wants and which is unconquerable. (Unless you use Genghis Khan or Nazi SS tactics i.e kill everyone and everything in your path)...


Drugs and Kalashnikovs
May 2, 2012
W/S 416
The PLO/Fatah have surrendered... they have given up all resistance and are now trying non-violent resistance which is scaring the hell out of the Isreali leadership in power. They are also questioning the 2 state solution, because the Isreali settlement activity has made a viable Palestinian state impossible.
Even if they are given independence today, because of the settlements which Isreal will not remove, they will be bantustans. No differrent than Transkei Republic and other bantustans created by the apartheid regime.

The PLO/fatah have also given up on the right of return, Mahmud Abbas recently said he would like to visit his hometown in Isreal where he was born as a Tourist. :wtf:

This caused some concern and criticism from his party but if the leadership feels this defeated, imagine the Palestinian people. :wow: It's clear the population as a whole isn't into anymore conflict and just wants decent living.

The only resistance is Hamas, and they will not give in.

What its heading into is a 2 state solution alright but not what people think.
The PLO now increasingly considers uniting with Isreal an option, given rights, and regional automony not independence. The problem is, Israel will lose any Jewish majority but Israel can't keep occupying territory especially when its own citizens are expanding into settlements every day. The clock is ticking..

Independence will be given to Gaza which nobody wants and which is unconquerable. (Unless you use Genghis Khan or Nazi SS tactics i.e kill everyone and everything in your path)...

for real man, the thought of the PLO collapsing and millions of Palestinians begging for rights and protesting at being given rights by their Israeli overlords scare the shiit out of Israel more than 10,000 qassams

I dont know why the PLO even agreed to put up with it this long. Oslo simply subletted the occupation to them, made it their responsibility

this is strictly in response to the recent Palestinian overtures and concessions and their recent non violent shifts in tactics (UN )

Israelis love Palestinian blood tho...cant stand peace
Jul 25, 2012
^Black people didn't forcefully enter the United States with guns, raping and pillaging and setting fire to every Native American village.

Neither did any of today's Israelis.

Palestinians at one point featured Jews, Christians and Muslims peacefully but the European Zionist intrusion of the land ended that. Quit your Zionist propaganda, there was an ethnic cleansing that completely revamped the regions makeup.

This is how it looked like In 1896 when Palestine was a functioning state before the criminal Balfour declaration. Keep in mind Arabs of all religions in the area welcomed the European jews until the Stern and Irgun militias started bombing Palestinian landmarks like the King David hotel and massacring civilian populations.

Here is a video of Palestine in 1896: Jews Muslims and Christians living peacefully Palestine 1896 - YouTube

Nice video. Here are some undeniable facts from people who spent more than a whopping 3 minutes in the area:

Here is the testimony of people who actually traveled the land before Israel's birth:

* They are banished into the filthiest corners of our cities where the avarice of government is continually studying how to plunder them. But it is above all in the dominions of the Pope that they are exposed to the greatest oppression.

- Palestine, 1792

Travels Through Cyprus, Syria, and Palestine; with a General History of the ... - Giovanni Mariti - Google Books

6. Jews. We now come to the Jews. Latterly they have increased in numbers in the ancient city of Jerusalem ; but everywhere throughout the Turkish dominions they are a despised, degraded, and a persecuted race. Denied all civil privileges, tyrannized over and trampled upon, their character is just what such treatment is calculated to make it. Of all the inhabitants of Palestine none are so poor and so wretched-looking as the Jews.[/b] Those who possess wealth are obliged to keep it secret lest the persecuting Turks should render their exactions more oppressive. It is not uncommon for the traveller to find the outside of a Jew's house dirty and miserable-looking, and the inside well- furnished with all that contributes to comfort and happiness. Jerusalem is still the Holy City of the Jews ; and when wandering far away in the various countries of Europe, Asia, and Africa, and struggling against a common persecution and oppression they feel the bitterness of their servitude, thitherward they cast their eyes, and a transient gleam of hope that a brighter day will yet dawn upon Israel, affords a momentary but delusive gladness.

- Palestine, 1851

Notes and lessons on the geography and history of Palestine - George Henry Taylor (master of the Model sch, Battersea.) - Google Books

In Palestine, as in the whole of Syria, especially among the ignorant Christian population, a most unfortunate prejudice is current, that the Jews, just before their Passover, try to get hold of Christians, especially of children, in order to mix their blood with unleavened bread; since, without this condiment, it would not be prepared according to the directions in the law of Moses. Unhappily this absurd fancy is not scouted as it ought to be by too many of the priests and monks of the Eastern Churches; so that sometimes the Jews are exposed to insults which give rise to serious disturbances, without having afforded by their conduct the slightest ground for such an imputation. If the Eastern clergy studied their Bibles, they would soon discredit these fables; but, as few of them know anything about that book, they are not the persons to abolish prejudices, which they foster by their preaching to the faithful from morning to night; certainly they cannot know that it was the blood of a lamb, not of a man, which was to be sprinkled on the door-posts and lintel1, and they even seem to believe that heathen leeches prescribed baths of children's blood as a cure for leprosyz; perhaps too they have heard of some Rabbinical books' in which it is said that Pharaoh bathed in the blood of children to cure his leprosy, and that his magicians ordered the same remedy for another disease, and have transformed Pharaoh into a Jew, and the children into Christians.

This is no exaggerated accusation, for I have heard greater absurdities from the lips of the Greek and Armenian monks in Jerusalem: for example, they have shewn me the place where Melchizedek planted the first olive after the Deluge, and where he first made bread, and a thousand similar absurdities.

However I will give an instance of the popular belief in this falsehood, which fell under my own notice. One day in 1858, on going out of my house in Jerusalem, I saw a very respectable Jew running at full speed, pursued by some Arabs, who as soon as he reached me claimed my protection against his assailants. These tried to drag him away from me; I asked what was the matter; but had only yells and incoherent exclamations in reply; so I determined to place the Jew inside my own doors for security. The Arabs, however, resisted, and though I was close to home I should not have been able to defend him had not my European servants arrived upon the scene; this reinforcement turned the tide of battle, and the enemy quickly fled, not without torn beards and conspicuous bruises from our cudgels, as a warning for the future.

When I got the Jew safe within, he told me the reason of the disturbance. As he was walking through the town he found a little boy crying, and stopped to ask what was the matter. He found that the child had lost his way, so he took him by the hand and went to help him to find his home. Some men, however, came up, and rudely snatched the child from him, saying, " You have taken him to kill him, and you shall smart for it!" Thereupon he took to flight, and happily met me.

After hearing this I returned to the street and found that the vanquished enemy had returned with reinforcements, and were waiting to demand the Jew from me. I shewed them very plainly, more by actions than words, that they were not going to have him; and to pacify them suggested that I would take him to the governor to be imprisoned. This proposal was joyfully accepted. I took the frightened man, and, accompanied by the Arabs, went to the governor's house; where I placed them all in the custody of the police, and then went to see Surraya pasha. I informed him what had happened, and after a short examination the Jew was released and the Arabs sent to prison.

On Good Friday the Jews cannot quit their own quarters, as the Latins, Greeks, and Armenians would insult and otherwise illtreat them. On some occasions the pasha has been obliged to guard the entrances of their streets with bodies of soldiers and police to protect them from the fanatical Christians, who would have made an attack upon them. No Jew, who lives at Jerusalem, dares to pass in front of the court of the Church of the Holy Sepulchre, for he well knows how great a risk he runs of suffering for his curiosity. If, on an occasion like this, he were murdered, the malefactors would not be severely punished; for all the native population unfortunately hold the opinion that to injure a Jew is a work well pleasing in the sight of God.

- Palestine, 1864
Customs and traditions of Palestine: illustrating the manners of the ancient ... - Ermete Pierotti - Google Books

Men in Palestine, call their fellows "Jews" as the very lowest of all possible words of abuse

- Palestine, 1870

The Rob Roy on the Jordan, Nile, Red sea, & Gennesareth, &c - John MacGregor - Google Books

Lol, that's right. The lowest possible insult that men in Palestine (way before there was an Israel) could call each other was not pig. Not dog. Not cockroach. But Jew. They must have been really angry back then about 1967.

I know breh, I know. Its Zionist propaganda.... Even though it was all documented before Zionism existed.

The fukk you talking about? If you're going to troll do it correctly. I am black. :thehell?:

I'm not sure what is hard to understand.

- Half of Israeli Jews are Mizrahi (brown).

- Israel's Arab citizens tend to support Israel, and they are brown.

- Therefore, Israel has a brown Zionist majority.

So why do you hate brown people?
Jul 25, 2012
The PLO/Fatah have surrendered... they have given up all resistance and are now trying non-violent resistance which is scaring the hell out of the Isreali leadership in power.

I think its Fatah's constant glorification of mass murderers, and active funding of terrorists families (for killing Jews) which scares the hell out of the Israeli leadership (and every civilized person on the planet).

They are also questioning the 2 state solution, because the Isreali settlement activity has made a viable Palestinian state impossible.
Even if they are given independence today, because of the settlements which Isreal will not remove, they will be bantustans. No differrent than Transkei Republic and other bantustans created by the apartheid regime.

Except that Israel has proved over and over again that they are more than willing to remove settlers for peace.

This caused some concern and criticism from his party but if the leadership feels this defeated, imagine the Palestinian people. :wow: It's clear the population as a whole isn't into anymore conflict and just wants decent living.

Except that 2/3 Palestinians agreed with the quote "a two state solution is just the first step toward destroying Israel."
Jun 24, 2012
Neither did any of today's Israelis.

Having the children sign the bombs is as sick as colonialism gets my friend.

Here is the testimony of people who actually traveled the land before Israel's birth:

- Palestine, 1792

Travels Through Cyprus, Syria, and Palestine; with a General History of the ... - Giovanni Mariti - Google Books

You reach too far as the history of Cyprus was the main focus and the accuracy of the books told by many pre-1920's are questionable b/c the translation issues. When did this man speak Arabic? Who told him this info?

- Palestine, 1851

Notes and lessons on the geography and history of Palestine - George Henry Taylor (master of the Model sch, Battersea.) - Google Books

Another reaching moment is using Jewish Religion heritage as a race which clearly has been edited. They weren't considered a race until after 1860 by Europeans anyways.

- Palestine, 1864
Customs and traditions of Palestine: illustrating the manners of the ancient ... - Ermete Pierotti - Google Books


- Palestine, 1870

The Rob Roy on the Jordan, Nile, Red sea, & Gennesareth, &c - John MacGregor - Google Books

Rob Roy the Irishman?

Lol, that's right. The lowest possible insult that men in Palestine (way before there was an Israel) could call each other was not pig. Not dog. Not cockroach. But Jew. They must have been really angry back then about 1967.


I know breh, I know. Its Zionist propaganda.... Even though it was all documented before Zionism existed.

All documents can't be accurate either since alot of pre-1920 stuff hasn't been translated well.

I'm not sure what is hard to understand.

- Half of Israeli Jews are Mizrahi (brown).

That changes nothing that Israel since 1948 has been controlled by Ashkenazis. The Jews written about were Arabs in the books you posted....not Europeans.

- Israel's Arab citizens tend to support Israel, and they are brown.

To keep benefits and citizenship....most people from anywhere do.

- Therefore, Israel has a brown Zionist majority.

Bring the proof....your opinions mean nothing.

So why do you hate brown people?