I like to drink them while watching Metastasis on my Vizio OLEDRC Cola taste just like Coca Cola, literally no difference
I like to drink them while watching Metastasis on my Vizio OLEDRC Cola taste just like Coca Cola, literally no difference
I feel like after they finished their road map. Any further single player expansion or content will be on a new engine. I can see them moving the multiplayer to Unreal5 if they don't want to reboot it.
I feel it's probably the best direction. Get production fast tracked on an Unreal5 Halo Infinite expansion. Have it ready to replace the base game by Holiday 2023.
Make it a short 4-6 hour campaign and get off this technical debt issue with the SlipSpace Engine.
Sound bars and surround sound have literally no differenceRC Cola taste just like Coca Cola, literally no difference
Sound bars and surround sound have literally no difference
PSVR and Kinetic have literally no difference
Just a couple things actual grown men have told me with a straight face on here
You know this is pretty much impossible right . You can't just change a game engine for a game that you already released .I feel like after they finished their road map. Any further single player expansion or content will be on a new engine. I can see them moving the multiplayer to Unreal5 if they don't want to reboot it.
I feel it's probably the best direction. Get production fast tracked on an Unreal5 Halo Infinite expansion. Have it ready to replace the base game by Holiday 2023.
Make it a short 4-6 hour campaign and get off this technical debt issue with the SlipSpace Engine.
I'm talking about finishing the game and making an expansion on a different engine...You know this is pretty much impossible right . You can't just change a game engine for a game that you already released .
What’s with the random calls to change the engine?
The game looks and plays like Halo. The open world works, there aren’t any bugs or technical problems.
The problem with the game is that content creation is slow. Switching to a new engine definitely won’t make things faster.
What bugs or technical problems are there with the engine?
I'm talking about finishing the game and making an expansion on a different engine...
What bugs or technical problems are there with the engine?
You are talking about online stuff.I mean for starters the UI loads like ass. takes a minute+ more for shyt to load(on a Series X!) for the most basic shyt like customization, viewing season challenges, and navigating settings.
One of the reasons content has been so slow to roll out is because of issues with the engine. game didn't even launch with Team Slayer, the devs said it "UI limitations" made it hard to add stuff like playlists at a reasonable pace
hit registration
ghost rockets
game crashes
poor loading of assets in the open world.
devs have also been having hell trying to optimize the game for PC. shyt runs like ass even tho the game was developed for PC alongside console. they even released a Halo Infinite AMD card as a promo.
dealing with this new engine has made it hell on the devs to stick to their roadmap.
So far Slipspace has been the buggiest and most difficult iteration of the Blam! Engine since Halo 2.