I was saving all the heat for when y’all finally have 1st party games to worry about.
Who told you first party games mattered more than other games?
The most popular games on all systems are multiplatform titles and that is why sony is all butthurt over this activision deal
With you mouth you say 1st party, but behind those closed doors you playing the same games I'm playing.
Statistical FACTS.
And lets keep it 1000... since 1st party isn't the end all be all, when which console has the most content?
The most games worthy of YOUR TIME? Have you played Ghost song? You can BUY IT right now.
It has an 88 on metacritic and an 89 on steam
No, I get it. You saving your cash and gaming time for GOW. fukk this 2022 version of Super Metroid
Well maybe after you're done with GOW you can then splurge and pick this title up. I'll be playing Halo infinite campaign with 3 other coli brehs when you you play GOW. I think gamers on all sides will have something to play this month. Next month, high on life drops