All you say is... "if I dated a guy like (cac) this then black men would say....blach blah" "these mixed kids should be raised mixed and not black ... blah blah.... " You indirectly defend cac black relationships.QUOTE ME DEFENDING THEIR RELATIONSHIP! oh, you can't because it never happened.
Get the ENTIRE fukk out of here! Let me guess Nat Turner was Lightskin?
Malcolm was catapulted by the NOI women don't lead the NOI so GTFOH with that one.
So let me guess Black women didnt follow Marcus Garvey?
LMFAO you really using tweet theives to justify this fukkery?
IF you noticed this fukkery then why didnt you transfer this logic to women
And I noticed aint nan one of you many Babymams darkskin
I peeped you changed that picture of lauren london, so which is it?
The pic of lauren london wasn't showing up right so i switched it to one with a similar style and complexion. + the one i posted look more similar anyway.
and there are more movements than the ones you named. There are dark leaders. So that's not my point. my point is that the largest black organizations historically perpetuate the brainwashing ( church, etc)
.. and many of the things black women have to deal with are forced into their brains by their mothers and other black women... And yes, i agree black men should help you guys correct your mentality.
About my bms..... I'm brown skin.... so what? I'm not black now?

and when i see a sexy women - that's all i see is that shes sexy and black -. and i'm not insecure about my stance so

not that it matters, but my american black bm is darker skinned