The dude who swam over 

I did not see him do a full 180" my hat is like a switch" motion. Damn
Blue bellgrabbed me a nice bowl of pecan prailine blue bell ice cream and watchin this in slow motion... lets go bama brehs
young bruh tooThe dude who swam over![]()
I am sure most of you have seen the news about the river boat incident. Yes, I was there but I was the first to try to get away. You can see in the video I attached, and I do not condone what happened. I tried to stop it and realized that I could not, so I tried to get away. There is a video of me being the first to run away because what was happening was wrong and I did not want to be a part of it. I realize I have a business to run and represent and no charges were filed against me because I was not involved. I know it was wrong and it should have never happened.
boy mustve watched over the topI did not see him do a full 180" my hat is like a switch" motion. Damn
best ice cream and the countryBlue bell![]()