Haiti: Nearly a Million People Took to the Streets.They Want the Western-imposed government out of

loyola llothta

Apr 17, 2014

31 December 2021

The Truth About Missionaries Kidnapped in Haiti
By Jean Saint-Vil

Did Jesus intervene to free 17 white missionaries kidnapped in Haiti from October 16 to December 20, 2021? Why is it most Haitians are upset and feel offended by this amazing “miracle” that has been reported by CNN, Miami Herald, news media all around the world?

In this series, a Haitian-Canadian radio host, activist and blogger provides shocking details about the ongoing nightmare Haitians are enduring because of well-connected gangs of kidnappers who operate in full impunity, within a few miles from the huge U.S. Embassy in Port-au-Prince.

Their victims are almost exclusively Black Haitians. However, few are aware of the plight of these thousands of victims of real kidnappings happening in Haiti.

Part 1 (8 min 33)… we examine the fact that thousands of real Haitians victims of kidnappings do not make news headlines.

In part 2 (7 min 53), we discuss the confessions of Haitian kidnapper Arnel Joseph, as reported in July 2019, two years before his spectacular assassination.

In part 3 (9 min 36), we take a close look at specific members of the so-called “business elite” in Haiti who were mentioned by Arnel Joseph, according to the 2019 reference document “Arnel Joseph parle comme une rossignol” (Arnel Joseph speaks like a nightingale). See this.

In part 4 (7 min 11), we take a close look at the type of “mission” has been historically assigned to U.S Missionaries in Haiti. A critical analysis of the ongoing foreign occupation of Haiti is necessary to make sense of seemingly “weird” events that have unfolded in recent months.

In part 5 THE MILLIONAIRE KIDNAPPERS OF HAITI (9 min 53), we conclude this series, with a deeper look at why Millionaires have been, time and again, identified as the main culprits masterminding murderous kidnappings that are plaguing Haiti, while the country supposedly “benefits” a disastrous UN Peacekeeping mission (since 2004).

A critical analysis of the close ties established and nurtured between the US and allied foreign powers (Core Group) that effectively call the shots in Haitian politics since 2004, the 15 “white mafia families” who dominate Haiti’s import-export space (with private ports and all) and the PHTK (Michel Martelly) gang of kidnappers and narcotics dealers… is absolutely essential to make sense of real as well as suspected “fake kidnappings” that have been occurring incessantly and tragically in Haiti.

If you care about human rights, you will want to watch the full set of videos.

Please consult also the referenced article, here (English & Français).

loyola llothta

Apr 17, 2014

The late Haitian president Jovenel Moise - PHOTO : GETTY IMAGES / HECTOR RETAMAL

A remark by the former U.S. ambassador to Haiti fuels suspicion of American involvement in the assassination of president Jovenel Moise. Regardless of any connection with the killing, Haiti is a de facto U.S. colony, and Washington decides who will lead the country.

This article was originally published in The Intercept .

At a little-noticed House Foreign Affairs Committee hearing in March 2021, headlined “Policy Recommendations on Haiti for the Biden Administration,” a former ambassador to Haiti recommended that the way to deal with troublesome President Jovenel Moïse was to “put him aside” and embrace something she called “the prime minister option.”

The U.S. was unsatisfied with Moïse and, as new elections approached amid a deteriorating on-the-ground situation, wanted a faster transition.

“It would be nice if he would step down, but I do not think that is going to happen,” said former Ambassador Pamela White at the hearing , under questioning from Rep. Ted Deutch, D-Fla. White was a foreign service officer in Haiti from 1985 to 1990, and served as ambassador from 2012 to 2015. “So I think if we sort of put him aside, you know, in the best of all worlds, and we have a prime minister appointed that is noncorrupt, that is not from the political sector, is not from the private sector — there are several really good candidates. I am not going to name them, but there are several.”

White appears to mean “put aside” in the hypothetical sense, discussing the future of Haiti without the former president as an obstacle, but the phrase takes on new meaning given his assassination in July at the hands of Colombian mercenaries alleged to be organized by elements of the Haitian elite. The comments have circulated among Haitians online, heightening suspicion on the island that the U.S. approved of the operation against Moïse.

“No one in their right mind would think I had anything to do with his assassination,” White told The Intercept on Wednesday. “I do not want to clarify a statement that was very clear. I have been proven right. Moise was not presidential material. He had totally lost the support [of] the Haitian people. With reason.”

After his predecessor, Jocelerme Privert, left office after less than a year as provisional president, Moïse was sworn in as president in February 2017 for a five-year term. While his opposition maintained he should leave office five years after the previous president left, Moïse argued that the February 2021 expiration of his tenure was premature and that he planned to remain in power until new elections were held.

On July 5, Ariel Henry, a neurosurgeon allied with former President Michel Martelly, was named prime minister by Moïse. Henry, who had moved in and out of government but was most recently on a commission overseeing the country’s Covid-19 response, had previously been a member of the Council of Sages, a group of seven Haitian leaders propped up by the U.S. Two days later, Moïse was gunned down in his bedroom, and Henry began jockeying to become the nation’s de facto leader.

A prosecutor charged with investigating the assassination revealed that immediately after the killing, Henry had had two phone calls with Joseph Badio, a former Haitian justice official accused of having run the operation. The plot’s alleged financier, Rodolphe Jaar, was arrested Friday in the Dominican Republic at the request of the United States. Jaar, a Haitian businessman who had previously been convicted of drug trafficking and served as an informant for the U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration, told the New York Times that he participated in what he thought was a kidnapping, not an assassination, because he was told it had the approval of the United States. “If the U.S. government was involved, then it was safe,” Jaar said, though the Times maintained that “No evidence has emerged” of U.S. government involvement.

As The Intercept reported in July, the Colombian mercenaries who carried out the hit were hired by a Florida-based firm. At least seven of them had received training by the U.S. military .

At the March hearing, after saying that there were several quality candidates for the prime minister position who could take power after the president was “put aside,” White suggested that the next step would be to recreate the country’s electoral council, or CEP, with enough legitimacy to stabilize the government. The CEP has been overseeing elections since the 2004 U.S.-backed coup that ousted Jean Bertrand Aristide, a left-wing proponent of liberation theology who became Haiti’s first democratically elected president in 1991. (After a different coup ousted him later that year, Aristide returned twice to the presidency, from 1994-96 and 2001-04.)

“Then we have this summit that we get to and we put out the old CEP, we have a summit where the actors come back to the table and we discuss how we can get the right representation to inform it to have a CEP that is credible, I mean that is one solution that I can see happening within the very near future,” White said.

White told The Intercept the situation in Haiti has spun out of control, but that she was not involved. “This entire saga is just unbelievable. You have more than enough nefarious characters to investigate. I am not one of them,” she said.

“The problem with transitional governments,” White said at the hearing, “is then we are in that mess again and it slows down everything here. … I wrote a piece, or talked for a piece in the New Yorker, a couple years ago, when I said I think that is exactly what we need. But I think right now we could use the prime minister option.”

White had been responding to a question from Deutch, who argued that no election could be considered legitimate if it was overseen by Moïse. Paradoxically, he suggested the president needed to be removed in defense of democracy. Deutch asked:

Any election or referendum that is overseen by the Moïse administration would automatically be seen by the Haitian people as illegitimate. We have seen on the ground, I have heard, firsthand, human rights groups and opposition leaders maintaining that Moïse’s term ended February 7th and an interim government is necessary to organize elections now. The question, Ambassador White, that I have for you is, if the provisional electoral council cannot meet the standard of being free, fair, and credible, but the current President does not step down, how can Congress and the Biden Administration and the international community play a responsible role in ensuring that any election that is held is credible and legitimate and then facilitating the public acceptance of the results and in mediating between the Moïse administration and the opposition?

Former Ambassador on Haitian President “Put him aside" and "Embrace Prime Minister option" | Black Agenda Report


Mar 11, 2015
these were some of my posts from 2019, 3 years later and thigns have turned out exactly like I predicted. Scammed opposition and violence shooting through the roof with gang members. This is the end result of never ending cycle of bad governance. Where Moise Jean-Charles now? where are all the opposition? Thins have gotten worse.

Yo kraze peyi plat!! due to their selfishness. Imagine if those asphalt project, light project were completed.


"In the 22 months after the ouster of President Aristide in 2004, the murder rate for Port-au-Prince reached an all time high of 219 murders per 100,000 residents."

This is the bullshyt I want to avoid by Jovenel leaving though I do believe is incompetent. I would rather have a transition through elections than pure lawlessness because people with personal interest in the election. It will get worse if he leaves without a transitional election in place.

I don't care who is in power, keep overthrowing government as if it's going to solve anything. I have given you a list of president who were overthrown for the past 200 years. It has never solve anything. It's easy for you to talk shyt and preach violence when you don't live in the country. You are literally kissing the opposition ass who wife and kids don't even live in the country? :mjlol:.

These senators, got their kids living in half a million dollar houses, attending notre dame, UF on Haitian people money and I am suppose to believe they not corrupt, fuk out of here with that bullshyt. You will never get a stable good government with constant violence which always opens up doors for opportunist. Anyways, the Haitian people spoke on march 29, they are not going to burn down their own country in order to appease the likes of Moise Jean Charles, Andre Michel etc.

I don't care who is in power. I want people to respect the constitution and wait their turn. When we start respecting the constituion we will eventually get a stable government. Colombia was once a terrible country now it's getting better in better. Political stability is important. Haitian diaspora investing in their own country is important considering 34 percent of Haitian gdp comes from remittance. Tourism is important, it helps drive money for locals(as long as they keep away from deviant sexual behaviors). We have to stop destroying our own country.


When have I ever done that you dumb fukk? When has Haiti ever been politically stable? Isn't 200 plus enough to tell you nothing will change? Corruption doesn't start and end with a president.

Haiti is a political mess and has always been. Miss me with the bullshyt. You the dumb ass who dont realize it."


Mar 11, 2015
@loyola llothta it is dumb ass Haitians like you is the reason why this country will never be shyt. A president got elected in 2017, here you go in 2018 supporting bullshyt. Now you cant blame all these massacres on him anymore. I don't see the light at the end of the tunnel. No one seems to want to step in and assist Haiti with what's going on right now. Thousands are getting displaced by gangs. Getting caught in gang cross fire. All this is the end result of mass protests, constant call for violence from moronic political actors. Konya gato sepera, ou pa tande yo menm. I really wish they killed Andre Michel the other night. Complete worthless piece of shyt.

I am not sure when will it reach a boiling point. There will be no election without solving the gang problems. Ariel Henry has no desire to because he can potentially get arrested for potentially killing Jovenel. The police officers are getting outgunned. The international community looks like they have no desire to step in because if Haitians dont fix this temselves, its like a child you spoil that dont learn their lesson, the issue will repeat itself AGAIN in 10 years.

loyola llothta

Apr 17, 2014


All Star
May 25, 2022
They allow compromised people to run for office:scust:

I know it's fashionable to be worried about worried about Haiti. They aren't your priority. If they are you should pack your ish and move down to help on the ground .Don't type about it be about it.

As a real breh I'm worried only about my home first.
Normal folks put their oxygen mask on first B4 helping someone else. good luck to them.