not surprising. just another case of biracials at the forefront, benefitting off their "blackness"
its all about that benefit package

not surprising. just another case of biracials at the forefront, benefitting off their "blackness"
Why the need for the main character to be biracial and from the clips, going off on white people while secretly having a white boyfriend.
Watch them allude to her pro blackness as overcompensating. Then when we get to the end of the film it's about "being colorblind" and "we should get along".
"The movie is about how black people are not a monolith" watch the lead character say the same thing about white people and her secret white boyfriend at the end of the film for the "message".
how does change what i said? did she also produce and fund the movie herself? is she not a biracial at the forefront, benefitting off her blackness?Written by
Directed by
Whos story is she gonna tell.
Just like on the coli, there's c00n, a bed wench, a militant, a simp, black nerds, blipsters etc. they are all black with different personalities, opinions and experiences.
I just want everyone to support and base their opinion on the film in context and not on hearsay.
Marcus there is something much more sinister afoot here. Dark skinned dykes in league with a cac, a Latino homosexual and ling ling to prop up a film about a biracial does change what i said? did she also produce and fund the movie herself? is she not a biracial at the forefront, benefitting off her blackness?
I don't accept all of those types as black people especially not cewnz and bed wanches. because those who throw us to albino wolves should not be able to return home afterward. I was misled in the same way @dcrutch15 was by the trailers and promotion and its disappointing you'd still go in to defend this film after the points he brought up.
but hey to each they own![]()
so let me guess she's gonna fall in love with her white knight
OP, can u link the LSA thread?
There are other black characters in the film with back stories. Throughout the film they deal with how being black defines them.
Just like on the coli, there's c00n, a bed wench, a militant, a simp, black nerds, blipsters etc. they are all black with different personalities, opinions and experiences.
I just want everyone to support and base their opinion on the film in context and not on hearsay.
Start watching ~6 mins in Writer/Director talks about his choice for a biracial female protagonist.
not surprising. just another case of biracials at the forefront, benefitting off their "blackness"
I don't accept all of those types as black people especially not cewnz and bed wanches. because those who throw us to albino wolves should not be able to return home afterward. I was misled in the same way @dcrutch15 was by the trailers and promotion and its disappointing you'd still go in to defend this film after the points he brought up.
but hey to each they own![]()