There are many posts/threads here on dealing with the opposite sex.
After 3000 posts, one would fall unto the impression that thread formulator would know better and apply some Coli-logic in such scenarios.
I'm not gonna beat a dead camel and say, "That was the ultimate fail, left, right, up and waaayyyyy down." It's tri-dundant.
Aside from everything that everyone's already mentioned,
My advice is to learn now so you don't recreate this abominable travesty a la smoothening your edges a bit to bag an "incoherently inebriated" red bone.
I don't know how old you are but that execution was type juvenile.
If i were you, i would have grabbed her shiit from there (no rules broken, no simping applied, it's legit; she can't be misplacing her shiit, especially if her money/cards are in the bag - the shoes can be skipped cuz she got way more where that came from) and bounced the FUKK out of there the moment she held your hand.
You got a big green light and you didn't secure the latch. You left the gates wide open and came off sooo eager that it clouded your mind/judgement, thus, your man logic/carnal instinct didn't trigger the effective method (and that was to take her like she was yours - and trust, by the morning - she would have appreciate a real NGEUGHKA to follow through by taking initiative, and if anything... would have turned her on even more, irregardless of how drunk she was. A woman can appreciate a man who can take life by the horns and be audacious, never hesitant and decisive. You? Massive passive. Softer than steamed cabbage. And i say that endearingly, please don't get savage. But you had it).
I feel like i'm talking to a plant. Look.
Commend you for acknowledging your faults and (even if you don't smoke)... taking the L.
My only question to you is why weren't you chopping it up with her thru-out the duration of the wedding?
If you made an impression early enough, you would have landed it like a seasoned pilot.
Instead, you crashed and killed your opportunities at some grade A amazin' snatch, a solid lay, play-makin' catch.
Now, you're just another patron in the batch.
She coulda been the one. Wifed her even. Forget it now, she ain't got no eggs for it to hatch.
*gets 'em poached for this uncourageous lad*