mortuus est
Soooh i was at this wedding party and the grooms sister stayed behind, she was drunk and i let the guys know that i wanted her so i told them to back off and chill thats my hoe, anyway she left her bag with shoes in it, and i ran back to get it as she couldnt walk for long in her heels (simping aint easy) as i come back to let her know that her bag couldnt be found i proceeded to tell her im taking her home, out of no where this polish dude that left the wedding came back to cockblock me and he couldnt even speak english. At this moment im like why is this fool her, as we walk her home she complains her feet are hurting so this fool picks her up and im like why couldnt i do that (yes simping even more in my mind cot damn) we get her home and i get her number but leave dissapointed as she didnt say "hey you can stay over, just you" i would of been like yep mission completed but nah that didnt happen. we say our good byes then me and the polish dude talk about how were going to get home, we go our separate ways and all i can think about is how i didnt go hard on that hoe.
hopefully she gives up the goods soon enough, i'll try my best not to simp but
i wonder what that thang smell like. i'll do anything for that redbone highly educated p*ssy 
hopefully she gives up the goods soon enough, i'll try my best not to simp but