Gut microbes may impact your mental health!


Queen of Swords
Jan 28, 2014
East of Anywhere
Growing up in Africa my folks did a yearly traditional parasite purge that involved eating a particular tree bark that was a potent cleanser. Whatever it was it had the strongest taste of anything I have ever consumed. It was traditional medicine and it worked.

We have lost a lot of natural remedies as well by only focusing on western medicine.
Diatomaceus earth works excellent against parasites for humans and pets
Echinacea, goldenseal and moringa bitters are great detoxes


All Star
Aug 12, 2017

Your gut is a 2nd brain. :wow:

:yeshrug: Ya'll never heard that some of the foods you eat can affect your mental health? If so then I'm pretty sure the stomach plays a part too.

Serotonin is a neurotransmitter that helps regulate sleep and appetite, mediate moods, and inhibit pain. Since about 95% of your serotonin is produced in your gastrointestinal tract, and your gastrointestinal tract is lined with a hundred million nerve cells, or neurons, it makes sense that the inner workings of your digestive system don’t just help you digest food, but also guide your emotions. What’s more, the function of these neurons — and the production of neurotransmitters like serotonin — is highly influenced by the billions of “good” bacteria that make up your intestinal microbiome. These bacteria play an essential role in your health. They protect the lining of your intestines and ensure they provide a strong barrier against toxins and “bad” bacteria; they limit inflammation; they improve how well you absorb nutrients from your food; and they activate neural pathways that travel directly between the gut and the brain.

Studies have shown that when people take probiotics (supplements containing the good bacteria), their anxiety levels, perception of stress, and mental outlook improve, compared with people who did not take probiotics. Other studies have compared “traditional” diets, like the Mediterranean diet and the traditional Japanese diet, to a typical “Western” diet and have shown that the risk of depression is 25% to 35% lower in those who eat a traditional diet. Scientists account for this difference because these traditional diets tend to be high in vegetables, fruits, unprocessed grains, and fish and seafood, and to contain only modest amounts of lean meats and dairy. They are also void of processed and refined foods and sugars, which are staples of the “Western” dietary pattern. In addition, many of these unprocessed foods are fermented, and therefore act as natural probiotics. Fermentation uses bacteria and yeast to convert sugar in food to carbon dioxide, alcohol, and lactic acid. It is used to protect food from spoiling and can add a pleasant taste and texture.

This may sound implausible to you, but the notion that good bacteria not only influence what your gut digests and absorbs, but that they also affect the degree of inflammation throughout your body, as well as your mood and energy level, is gaining traction among researchers. The results so far have been quite amazing.


I wonder if the people taking prescription drugs changed their diet would cause their ailments to lessen? :jbhmm:

But according to this article, yes, a better diet along with exercise can reduce ailments people suffer from:

Should the FDA be trusted?

Prescription drugs are the 4th leading cause of death. Deaths and hospitalizations from over-dosing, errors, or recreational drug use would increase this total. American patients also suffer from about 80 million mild side effects a year, such as aches and pains, digestive discomforts, sleepiness or mild dizziness.

The forthcoming article in JLME also presents systematic, quantitative evidence that since the industry started making large contributions to the FDA for reviewing its drugs, as it makes large contributions to Congressmen who have promoted this substitution for publicly funded regulation, the FDA has sped up the review process with the result that drugs approved are significantly more likely to cause serious harm, hospitalizations, and deaths. New FDA policies are likely to increase the epidemic of harms. This will increase costs for insurers but increase revenues for providers.

This evidence indicates why we can no longer trust the FDA to carry out its historic mission to protect the public from harmful and ineffective drugs. Strong public demand that government “do something” about periodic drug disasters has played a central role in developing the FDA. Yet close, constant contact by companies with FDA staff and officials has contributed to vague, minimal criteria of what “safe” and “effective” mean. The FDA routinely approves scores of new minor variations each year, with minimal evidence about risks of harm. Then very effective mass marketing takes over, and the FDA devotes only a small percent of its budget to protect physicians or patients from receiving biased or untruthful information. The further corruption of medical knowledge through company-funded teams that craft the published literature to overstate benefits and understate harms, unmonitored by the FDA, leaves good physicians with corrupted knowledge. Patients are the innocent victims.

But that article was back in 2013 detailing to us how we shouldn't trust the FDA. Now that Trump is in office:

Trump’s FDA Pick Is Speeding Up New Drug Approvals

During his first year as FDA Commissioner, Scott Gottlieb has dramatically reformed the drug approval process. He's made it faster and more transparent and the changes are already bearing fruit.

In 2017, the FDA set an all-time record for generic drug approvals and for more novel drugs than any year since 1996.

Some analysts say that a quicker generics approval process will hurt innovator pharmaceutical companies. They argue that more drug approvals will force firms to slash prices as they compete for market share. The lost revenue, they say, will more than outweigh any savings from a more enlightened regulatory process.



Sep 11, 2015
Great thread.

I am very cautious on what kind of food I eat. Sugar hell now. I try and get that from fruits.

Rice and all that other junk, processed foods nah.

Imagine the affect that fast foods have on our kids.

Talking to a chick and she stated she fed her kids McDonalds, I almost hung up on her :scust:


All Star
Aug 12, 2017
Great thread.

I am very cautious on what kind of food I eat. Sugar hell now. I try and get that from fruits.

Rice and all that other junk, processed foods nah.

Imagine the affect that fast foods have on our kids.

Talking to a chick and she stated she fed her kids McDonalds, I almost hung up on her :scust:

When it comes to rice I always thought the white rice was the inferior kind and just overall bad for you, but the brown and black rice were alright and had greater nutritional value? I will have to research that a bit to confirm.

But yea, these processed foods like Doritos and the like are chemically designed to keep you addicted to the "food" (I think there is a study detailing this and will have to dig it up). It's crazy how these companies actually get down.

I still can't believe people are feeding their kids McDonald's though. Happy meals (:mjlit:) leading the kids straight to an early grave. :mjcry:

Don Mack

All Star
May 28, 2012
What’s so bad about rice other than not being keto friendly supposedly


Staff member
May 14, 2012
I know my stomach has been fukked for over a year.

Constant pain, 40-50 pound wight loss, frequent constipation



All Star
Dec 27, 2017
When they talk about probiotics they always tend top leave out the fact that all you need is soluble fiber for the bacteria to grow, they just want to seem special and sell you products. Soluble fiber, comes in foods like oatmeal, rice, beans, and grains. The issue is if you have too much(like eating too much beans), it will interfere with absorption of nutrients, but the good news is you don't need that much. Just eat whole foods that are carb rich, and you will get what you need. Even, nut's and seeds, have them, just not as much as carb rich foods.

They also leave out you can eat all the probiotics you want, but if you don't eat enough carbohydrates, you will still have mental health issues. Your brain needs a constant source of sugar, and carbs are the best source, since they break down more slower then simple carbs like raw sugar or fruit. Simple sugars are still needed, just more so when you are active. The issue with eating too much carbs is blood sugar drop, but that is where the nuts & seeds come in, if you eat them after your carb rich meal, they slow down the absorption of the carbs, and keep your blood sugar stable. They are also rich in magnesium, and new study show in order to make vitamin d effective, whether from the sun or in a pill, you need sufficient magnesium to activate the vitamin d!
Low magnesium levels make vitamin D ineffective: Up to 50 percent of US population is magnesium deficient
Low magnesium levels make vitamin D ineffective
Up to 50 percent of US population is magnesium deficient

I went through all of these fads, only to realize eating regular whole foods rich in carbs, is the best, along with a little bit of fruit, and vegetables preferably juiced, and exercising daily to activate my sympathetic nervous system which plays a major part in all of this. If you go daily without activating it, this is where the problems develop overtime as it will get weak from not being used. All that's needed it to do a small amount of resistance training to the point you are working relatively hard to move the weight(no need for high reps/multi sets), and some endurance training to where you have to focus on moving for at least 30 minutes straight(running,rebounding). After the exercise, you can eat all you want, and just get healthy, our bodies are made to come back stronger then before, its really crazy when you think about it!
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All Star
Dec 27, 2017
I know my stomach has been fukked for over a year.

Constant pain, 40-50 pound wight loss, frequent constipation

just get some metamucile or psylium husk. Metamucile is psylium husk with flavor.

Its rich in soluble fiber which absorbs water and makes your shyt heavy.

Just mix it with some water or juice, and drink it after your meals. Watch how easy it is to shyt, and how clean it keeps your wipes. Once you use it, you'll see what I mean.