Best I can piece together:
As Play says, he got cornered and didn't run.
Fif and a couple goons/security set it on Play.
They washed him, but didn't knock him out (hence the one video where the guy says, "They were hitting him", not "They knocked him out".)
They finished mauling him and Fif, in the lead, took off.
Don't know what happened to the one guy that got left behind, but I don't believe he was maced. Gunplay didn't allude to getting maced until after the second attack. So maybe Play caught him while they were all mixing it up, or maybe dude caught some friendly fire...
So while fif and the other guys were dipped....Play recovers and pounces on the last guy. Gets a couple blows in and gets maced.
Going through the thread, I thought Play was laying on the ground sleep.
The nikka Play held his ground and walked off so that's a win for him...
Gunplay told 2-3 different versions of the same story though.
And you can see the guy getting hit with mase before Gunplay ever touches him. Re-watch the video. Then Gunplay punches him 2-3 times, pushes him into the barricade, then Gunplay gets mased and runs away.