terrifying, horrible, everything you can think of. Luckily dude didnt want to kill me, lol. He just wanted my phone and then wallet.
fukker followed me into my building and did it in front of my door.
he got what he wanted, but could have gotten much more if he was thinking on that level. He pulled it out and I was stunned. I was then cornered so I told dude, "aiite man, be cool. Here."
Then he ran off, and me being stupid I ran after him, lol. I saw where he was going, so I called police. They came within 5 minutes, and then arrested dude within 30 minutes.
I got my shyt back, but its a big reason why I will never say "fukk the police," or say they are all bad. Most of them are good.
But it took me a while to get over that. I was paranoid as shyt for a while. I am over that now, but I am much more guarded in certain areas.