How I book If (s)he ever ended up in WWE, she’d probably have some “Rocky Maivia” type name. Not necessarily because of wrestling parents, but moreso leaning on Nyla being Black and Native (if I’m correct). That would be the first start of bringing he(r) in as a face.
The whole Xia Li “bully killer” gimmick would basically be he(r)s. Would make for some fun interactions with certain heels. And yes, (s)he would have to run into Charlotte at some point.
If you’re all in, you give Nyla the strap (ha), push he(r), see how the crowd pops and the merch moves. If you have Charles go over instead, it’s a wrap. Strowman Status…sometimes you just gotta pull the trigger at the most predictable times, when folks are actually buying into it, or willing to play along
Real life: Vince would bring Nyla in as a generic monster heel who would eventually get goofy. I don’t wanna see that at all