I mean I'm not using it in a derogatory term. So, its fine. And I got a pass.
I mean I'm not using it in a derogatory term. So, its fine. And I got a pass.
no you don'tI mean I'm not using it in a derogatory term. So, its fine. And I got a pass.
This thread was a bust...He lied.
I mean I'm not using it in a derogatory term. So, its fine. And I got a pass.
Yo do you really have a gif for every situation?So... u not gone say no time soon?
Goodnight, tag me when you tell us who this chick's parents are.....
Wtf TS.
Just say the name
Just bare with me people...I'm very high right now. And at this huor you should be high too. If you have the day off tommorow and a drawer full of drugs wen the same page.
Gotdamn those pics are old.....Thats Myspace era .I dont even look like that any more....and I only have 1 son.
Not trying to promote a thing.....its a simple thread
lol my nikka ..
You may not be fully white but you definitely ain't black enough to say that.I'm not even fully white. Lol