The "Point And Laugh" List:
1 ) @The Midnight Marauder commented: (Makes guessing threads to get attention.)
2) @keond commented: (wasted 2 minutes of my life breh)
3) @DarianaGrande commented: (just say it)
4) @Luca-Brazi commented: (got me curious for nothing
5) @jjj123 commented: (Neg)
6) @314central commented: (Ass wipe)
7) Spliff commented: (fukk shyt)
8) AquaCityBoy commented: (On GP)
9 ) @gonzo8402 commented: (Fyygfujg)
10) @Don Rhymus commented: (-10)
11) @No Sleep commented: (Yeah)
12) @gabbo commented: (Lame)
13) @ModernFonzie commented: (I'd expect no less from a Drake Stan so I'm not surprised ur a fakkit)
14) @2-Digit commented: (The best part of waking up, is negs all up in your cup)
15) @wild100sboy commented: (
16) @Goat poster commented: (lame)
17) @DreadBrown commented: (10 pages bro this wasn't neccesary)
18) @Milk N Cookies commented: (this is for this wild ass goose chase u sent everyone on...
19) @Primetime21 commented: (Negged)
20) @Y2Dre commented: (Bad thread breh)
21) @sabaw commented: (Fakkit)
22) @TooLazyToMakeUp1 commented: (....)
23) @killacal commented: (,,,)
24) @Serious commented: (fakkit)
25) @Mickey Kane commented: (...)
26) @Thatrogueassdiaz commented: (Don't ever play this fukking game again) Post #12795480
27) @TheGregReaper commented: (
28) @muse commented: (Games)
29) @karim commented: (negged)
30) @AITheAnswerAI commented: (fukkin clown)
31) KOOL-AID commented: (i really hate faggits like u)
32) @Joey Chizzle commented: (spilll it)
33) @A-Train commented: (---)
34) @Ronnie Lott commented: (Stay off the narcotic br
35) @Mr. Jack Napier commented: (fukkboy)
36) @ocmfII commented: (eat breh)
37) @Wenzel Dashington commented: (mmfood)
38) @Yehuda commented: (Filho da puta arrombado larazento pedófilo morfético)
39) @imdeadwrong commented: (TRRROOOOLLLOOOLLLLLLLLLLL)
40) @The Infamous commented: (...)
41) Tug life commented: (
42) @jdubnyce commented: (hold this and stop posting)
43) @TrifeGod commented: (ktheytoldmetotheytoldmetotheytoldMEHTOO)
44) @the cac mamba commented: (hold this, friend)
45) @Barnett114 commented: (Yikes)
46) @2stainz commented: (my peers told me you needed a neg)
47) @Heretic commented: (
I been charging this neg up since last night like a kamehameha blast. Enjoy it frieza)
48) @PrnzHakeem commented: (troll)
49) @Tom Foolery commented: (Pedophile Loser)
50) @E-Nice commented: (-200)
51) @Frank Lucas commented: (Lame ass nikka)
52) @Kaydigi commented: (fall back)
53) @YaThreadFloppedB! commented: (Negged)
54) @The5thLetter commented: (good morning)
55) @ Versa commented: (Nah)
56) @ExNat commented: (i'm impatient
57) @pickles commented: (......)
58) @ Wiirdo commented: (faggit)
59) @Rodney Brehlinger commented: (breh u a pedo)
60) @BlackMajik commented: (lame ass nikka)
61) @holidayinn21 commented: (go digest some knives)
62) @Realdealholy commented: (...)
63) @Maas Darko commented: (Hold dis A list Neg)
64) @Chief commented: (
65) @c_hansen commented: (
66) @Supercoolmayo commented: (1 2 3 4, how many negs are in this store. I know you see it, I know you see it.)
67) @Ethnic Cleansing commented: (Guess who's negative this is!)
68) @92 Bricks commented: (Your mother should've swallowed you)
69) @Kitsch commented: (I feel sorry for your mother.)
70) @mtu wa chuma commented: (You leave me with no choice)
71) @Kane commented: (fukkboy)
72) @Ghost Like Swayze commented: (if your friends told you to neg rep a poster would you? The answer is yes.)
73) @Youhadasparkwhenustarted commented: (...)
74) @loyola llothta commented: (Why would you do something like this)
75) @Bay Area commented: (bandwagon neg)
76) @Hans Wurst commented: (take dat)
77) @lolwutdawg commented: (Hold this neg tho)
78) @MrFettuccinePockets commented: (You went plat tho)
79) @Bone Bender commented: (ol snake in the grass motherfukker.)
80) @LezJepzin commented: (All aboard)
81) @Joe Chink commented: (bytch tendencies)
82) @Pinyapplesuckas commented: (damn)
83) @Kooley_High commented: (Unbalanced like elephants and ants on seesaws)
84) @O Fenômeno commented: (negged)
85) @Mowgli commented: (blat)
86) @hotbeezie commented: (
87) @TheColiRookie commented: (dumbass.... you actually thought this was a good idea now you're a shyt poster)
88) @FappleMeOff commented: (How Much a Neg Cost?)
89) @Reid2Achieve commented: (Smh.... waste of time)
90) @hoodheronova commented: (backfire)
91) @JordanwiththeWiz commented: (Aye look on the bright side breh)
92) @MAKAVELI25 commented: (Brought this on yourself)
93) @desp commented: (
94) @Gospel commented: (Nope)
95 ) @Crown Bearer commented: (...)
96 ) @Kingshango commented: (In the words of Shao Khan: "You suck!")
97) @manwhatthefukk commented: (we don't play them guessing games around here fukk nikka)
98) @Rawster commented: (My first neg. What are you a teenaged girl?)
99) @raul04 commented: (sorry b. You fukked up and that sucks -470 was it worth it?)
100) @II Tone commented: (hi wyd fam?)
101) @Ricky Church commented: (-Rep.)
102) @WOAHMYGOODNESS commented: (U been gay since ahh)
103) @aqualung commented: (Enjoy the negs, bro.)
104) @Box Cutta commented: (fukking fakkit.)
105) @neotheflyingone commented: (eat this neg like a scooby snack. heard it tastes like chicken)
106) @aaaaaaa commented: (fukk u bro)
107) @Atsym Sknyfs commented: (ARGH)
108) @VAGATOR81 commented: (U fukkin sux.)
109) @DOUBLE UP commented: (That's from the ghost of Mandela)
110 ) @Mob H commented: (You brought this on yourself, breh.
111) @GoddamnyamanProf commented: (Here's the attention you wanted
112) @MarsPunka commented: (I hate guessing
113) @Pineal Gland commented: (Guess whose neg this is (hint: recipient is a coli fakkit))
114) @Marciano commented: (When in the Coli Rome, do what they do & drop negs for wack threads)
115) @Amy Traphouse commented: (Neg deez nuts
The "Point and Laugh" list is my own April Fools creation. The names on the "Point and Laugh" list I saw coming a mile away(even tho I've never heard of 97% of the names)....The internet is full of people who come together for phony outrage....5 pages of neg reps is proof of that. I already knew that the "so called" wolves who think they are eating a meal are really just sheep asleep and strapped to a Total Recall virtual reality chair with a Matrix plug stuck in the back of their heads with their eyes closed and that meal that they think they are eating is really just them gnawing at the air. I call them wolf-sheep.
? Negs are an illusion of the matrix...They aren't real. I was able to pull this off because I know the wolf-sheep mentality and that ya'll would come together as a united front of phony outrage for a meal that isn't real(negs) instead of coming together to figure out it was an April Fools joke. Atleast that was what I was hoping for...and it worked. Proof it worked: 17 pages and not one person figured April Fools joke.

I didnt log on for 2 days yet no one could figure it out.....I guess ya'll were to distracted trying to be comedians in the comments section. I dangled the bait for 48 hours(biracial girl with a troll execution = perfect bait)...i knew beforehand u wolf-sheep would put me in the red by the time 48 hours was up...Duh! its 48 hours. Look at the false pride the wolf-sheep get over absolutly nothing That comment right there remids me of those 3rd world kids who eat garbage from expensive resturants with smiles on their faces. As long as ya'll were focused on putting me in the red you werent paying attention to a possible April Fools set up. It was perfect. The reverse image search i saw a mile away....Finding that model page was bait because it wasnt the source of all the pics so the hook was in......I knew dudes would be hunting for that facebook page. The Richgirl pic was a distraction to weed out the extra thirsty.
There would be no joke without the negs. They just brought negs back so the joke was able to be complete. Had they have been disabled the joke wouldnt be as potent. My goal was to create butthurt after all the searching fails followed by a wave of negs......causing the wolf-sheep to volunteer there names on a list to later be singled out and laughed at on April 1st. I took a page from the book Animal Farm, played the role of a manipulative pig and used the dogs(wolves)/sheeps nature to my advantage, all for the sake of a successful April Fools Joke. You're negs are proof that the prank got to you...Its your knee jerk reaction to a prank......If it didnt get to you you wouldnt have done sh*t but kept it moving cuz it aint that serious ...LOL...Everyone on that list is a punchline......April Fools B*tch!!! I dont see 5 pages of neg reps....I see 5 pages of butthurt which means mission accomplished. LOL. I'd be butthurt too if I invested 48 hours into bullsh*t just to be somebodys punchline. Negs arent reality....I know some of you are so far removed from reality that messageboard lifestyle is your world and u may think they are real but they are not. Bill O'Reilly has been talking sh*t about Blackfolks for years, what can I do about it? Neg him? imagine that

The joke will really take shape when we see how the same energy to turn me red will not be returned as props to me actually pulling the joke off. You'll never do it....Which will just further expose the original phony outrage. And thats cool cuz pos and neg reps arent real. Maybe a few cool ones might but I know the same 48 hours of energy wouldnt be returned in the opposite direction.....that aint happening even tho the joke was successful. (Plus wolf-sheep aren't the "cool in real" life types, majority of them are weirdos..... actually being cool and giving props where due isnt how they move)Thats why the "Point and Laugh" list is for my personal any of you feel is now totally irrelevant. I have the day off tomorrow and I'm gonna sit here and look at my prank in its final fruitation. I havent even read all of the comments yet....I just logged in copied and pasted....I'm going to take a few pulls of this sour and read this list in its entirety.... My biggest worry was that someone would figure out it was an April Fools joke but I had the wolf-sheep under control more then I thought. Wolf-sheep just being what they are was the perfect distraction. This was an april fools joke so any deception posted was in the spirit of april fools. (Let me also add that I will use that list as reference of who not to take serious when it comes to any could anyone who engages in such pettiness be taken serious? Cops killing Black kids in the streets and this is what you so called "wolves" come together for? Thats a joke in itself ). For me that list weeded out the sheep( I dont know most of the names on that list anyway so fukk'em... I dont see one poster who I'm cool with on that list). The thread was a "Feature" because I had to let it be known to the right people that I was setting up a joke beforehand because I know how u weirdos think and would have tried to get the thread moved or locked before April 1st hit.....With the thread as a "feature" it would guarantee more traffic which would equal more "negs" and more names to put on that list....... Now if ya'll will excuse me..My sides are hurting as I'm typing this...I'm gonna log off for a while, smoke this weed and laugh at that list.