What is the appropriate age to be beefin and being "bout that life"?
You have to be between the ages of 18-25 and cannot be less than 140 lbs or more than 280 lbs.. You have to leave all "civilians" unscathed by your crime spree and only pull off capers that are worth a minimum of 6 figures.. You must have a fierce moral code mixed with a savage viscousness that would allow you to save babies from a burning car or slit a nikkas throat infront of his grandmother if need be... You absolutely cannot be caught by authorities at any point and only be involved in criminal en devours that have precision planning and show a level of intellect that is superior to the people trying to lock you up...You must accomplish all of this without having anything above a 3rd grade education...Getting a high school diploma is a no-no and attending a university or even a community college is forbidden...You have to sell drugs, but only a suitable amount that would leave you open to a federal trafficking case, while never using and remaining completely clean, sober and focused...
If you do all of this then you pass the litmus test of properly being "about that life" up to the standards of the average Coli criminologist/Urban Fantasy enthusiast...
In other words... Be just like the bad guys you see in the movies....