Keep playing into these silly # trends on social media. #whitegirlsdoitbetter #growingupblack
These racially motivated #'s only perpetuate stereotypes and thus further White peoples own negative feelings towards Black Americans - moreso than they already are.
White people (not all white people) can't see past the superficiality of the them, "growing up black" is everything they hear about Black folks on TV. Ghettos, children out of wedlock, etc.
Matter of fact, Ghetto is a term that is not fairly scrutinized as it should be in the public platform. To me, it's equivalent to the word "thug" in the context in which it's used, but that's another story.
"Black people can't have anything" - no shyt, we've heard this narrative for years.
When you make it a point to emphasize race, you are leaving the door open for negative backlash. Look at how black twitter destroyed the "Whitegirsldoitbetter" movement. People are quick to slam "the media" for being unfair to minorities, but what about social "media"?
Watch, by the end of this week, we'll hear some story about teens getting into a fight or worse from one of these hashtags![]()
We cant have ANYTHINGThey stay trying to be all up in the videos
CNN even watching in the cut
![]() rss/cnn_latest (RSS: CNN - Most Recent)
Keep playing into these silly # trends on social media. #whitegirlsdoitbetter #growingupblack
These racially motivated #'s only perpetuate stereotypes and thus further White peoples own negative feelings towards Black Americans - moreso than they already are.
White people (not all white people) can't see past the superficiality of the them, "growing up black" is everything they hear about Black folks on TV. Ghettos, children out of wedlock, etc.
Matter of fact, Ghetto is a term that is not fairly scrutinized as it should be in the public platform. To me, it's equivalent to the word "thug" in the context in which it's used, but that's another story.
"Black people can't have anything" - no shyt, we've heard this narrative for years.
When you make it a point to emphasize race, you are leaving the door open for negative backlash. Look at how black twitter destroyed the "Whitegirsldoitbetter" movement. People are quick to slam "the media" for being unfair to minorities, but what about social "media"?
Watch, by the end of this week, we'll hear some story about teens getting into a fight or worse from one of these hashtags![]()
you don't live nor did you grow up arouynd majority blacks but yet you know what majority of their views are?Are you being purposely obtuse
All I did was post a fact, you can ignore it and focus on how you want to most posters here do but most of these things all children can relate to and even the ones they don't based on the way these are described they can probably relate to put in a different context and some of these are just silly.
And I can relate to a decent amount of these, like the one about china in a glass cabinet which my grandmother had and also kept her old statues of black people dancing and stuff in.
But my Asian friend Andy's mom has a similar thing and so did my Hispanic friend Miguel, and this white kid Taylor.
You don't need to deny reality to make yourself feel better.
(This doesn't mean I support the growing up white hashtag though which is petty and is most likely a trolljob anyways)
And once again, three pictures in three separate arguments have shown that I'm black. That's the best I can do unless there's a coli meetup in santa barbara ca once I move there, maybe you should just accept that I'm black especially because the vast majority of black Americans don't even share the views of people on thecoli so it's not unlikely.
And I agree with you all on a lot more than you all are willing to see.
I probably deserve negs for this because it's needless fun killing but it's true.
Anybody who cant relate didnt have a tru black childhood
Things were so simple bacc then...remember having that 1 friend who mom never let him have "company"
Check out @StephnCurryy's Tweet:
Cacs getting roasted for trying to jack the hash tag lol![]()
If you're from Chicago, who remember having a neighbor that had a candy store in the basement?
I remember when I moved to Cali, like where the candy man at, none of the kids knew what I was talking about.![]()
Check out @StephnCurryy's Tweet:
Cacs getting roasted for trying to jack the hash tag lol![]()
To be fair, we didnt have them either in ATLWest Coast Blacks
What Atlanta did you stay in because ATL had candy ladies and that dude with the gold tooth who sold ice cream.To be fair, we didnt have them either in ATL
Riverdale, and southwest ATLWhat Atlanta did you stay in because ATL had candy ladies and that dude with the gold tooth who sold ice cream.![]()