I wanna know how we could work together to spread the ideas of group economics. I think there is a disconnect to the benefits of supporting black owned businesses.
BlackDemographics.com | Black Owned Businesses Statistics
We clearly aren't living spending money on our businesses..
Aren't you the same person who

for arguably the most powerful and influential force in the black community? A certain genre that HEAVILY promotes spend, spend, spend, spend and put your money in all hands BUT black hands? Aren't you the same cat that

for a certain genre that tells us that OTHER BLACKS are the enemy/threat, hence playing a role in the distrust among blacks? You cant have it both ways. Like brehs said:
Ultimately we just have to make black cool
It starts with trust. We have to educate those under us or coming up to trust our fellow man.
Right now we dont trust each other like we need to. We dont see value in ourselves like we need to. Us having little to no positive sounds and images about ourselves is playing a role in this. This all goes hand in hand but most of you are too short-sighted to realize this. We are in desperate need of a MAJOR MENTAL OVERHAUL!!!!! Whats "cool" today must be shunned in favor of things that actually BENEFIT the black community. Extreme materialism, drug abuse and killing other other black people does not benefit the black community. Matter fact, it benefits white supremacy.
Until we have a mass changing of our overall consciousness about ourselves and WHY we should unite and support our own, no "change" will occur.
I agree with your thread tho.