thats my head coach
This definitelyGOAT franchise :spurs:
thecoli.comshyt is so melodramatic annd over the top, I know its a act and show to fool people.
Same man shytting on american black ball players like they are selfish and dumb, but good ol euro players are unselfish and pure as the driven snow.
Yall gonna learn one day about folks like Pops and SVG.
shyt is so melodramatic annd over the top, I know its a act and show to fool people.
Same man shytting on american black ball players like they are selfish and dumb, but good ol euro players are unselfish and pure as the driven snow.
Yall gonna learn one day about folks like Pops and SVG.
Post this in TLR so they can say Pop is an old cac that doesn't care whatsoever and it's all a front.
shyt is so melodramatic annd over the top, I know its a act and show to fool people.
Same man shytting on american black ball players like they are selfish and dumb, but good ol euro players are unselfish and pure as the driven snow.
Yall gonna learn one day about folks like Pops and SVG.
The don has spoken
The don has spoken