
Brian Tyler Cohen
Flashback to 2020:
CA official: "If we ignore the science and put our head in the sand... we're not going to succeed together protecting Californians."
Trump: "It'll start getting cooler. You just watch."
"I wish science agreed with you."
Trump: "I don’t think science knows, actually."

notyourmum.bsky.social @notyourmum.bsky.social
Nobody can explain scientific evidence to Trump because he won’t listen or read.

John @jct35j.bsky.social
Fvcking idiot!

Quietly Curious

What an arrogant fukking shytbag. As if he has a clue about science. He’s a moron. This clip illustrates his stupidity. There are other examples of how dinglenuts is a dunce but this is particularly timely with the LA fires.
HOW can he have supporters who can’t see how freakin’ pea-brained he is???

German_USA - ally


woke af. @germanusa.bsky.social
That fukking arrogant, clueless dikk

dadrick57.bsky.social @dadrick57.bsky.social
I don't know if I can handle 4 more years of this shyt show

capitano-del-piero.bsky.social @capitano-del-piero.bsky.social
It's really incomprehensible where we're at in this point in history and the man that's going to run this country.
I've literally lost all words to describe what's going on.

OhCanadienne @ohcanadienne.bsky.social
We keep trying to express our outrage, and we do, but it’s not changing our reality. The only thing that will change our reality is if we boycott the shyt out of the major tech companies. Pull out, walk away, spread the word. Unsubscribe. Our wallets are the key.

ethainejourdan.bsky.social @ethainejourdan.bsky.social
That and hear me out, take a que from past movements. Actually show up in person and let them know how angry we are.

Mark Cathcart @markcathcart.com
Totally. Posting on social media is more effective than praying, so there's that.

ethainejourdan.bsky.social @ethainejourdan.bsky.social
Ummm that’s not before us did. They showed up in person.

sdk3.bsky.social @sdk3.bsky.social
He is so utterly stupid.

Rachel M @animalfriends2.bsky.social
His arrogant face and demeanor is baseball bat worthy. The fact that no one ever goes off on him to his face and calls him out for the moron that he is enrages me in a way I can't describe.

angrymonke.bsky.social @angrymonke.bsky.social
You don't need to, I understand.

Joan Cortez @doggiemama.bsky.social
He’s the dumbest dumb ass that was ever born.

GoBills2025 @gobills2024.bsky.social
She should’ve responded by calling him an idiot. I would’ve. I wish people would get some balls when talking to this guy.

jangreene.bsky.social @jangreene.bsky.social
They give him too much undeserved respect, when he respects no one.

GoBills2025 @gobills2024.bsky.social
I don’t get it either. Why doesn’t anyone have the nerve to fire back at this guy?

w-sty.bsky.social @w-sty.bsky.social
Any that has stood up to that POS are referred to as the "enemy." If they are reporters, they are "fake news." Sitting Congress members, "primaried out." They are too afraid of his criticism.

barely-sane.bsky.social @barely-sane.bsky.social
"Science doesn't know actually, I know better than probably anyone, did I tell you my uncle taught at MIT? I'm smart, really smart. What were we talking about? Oh right watermelon head Schiff."
This pinhead has a swollen head, a swollen pin, rarely seen.

janvava.bsky.social @janvava.bsky.social
Absolute f—kin moron

Parker Cestaric @sargondrin.bsky.social
An anti-intellectual in the truest sense.

mutedbeacon.bsky.social @mutedbeacon.bsky.social
Wasn’t life better when we didn’t have to care what he thought?

Woke2024 @woke2024.bsky.social
Except he has been in our faces 24/7 for 8 years.


Can't believe we are going back to this utter bullshyt


Sérgio Joaquim Dique, MSc, Esq @sergiodique.bsky.social
Seriously. How could Americans vote for this imbecile? Oh gosh.

stay4thefun.bsky.social @stay4thefun.bsky.social
50% of the United States population reads at, or below a 6th grade level. When you factor in this metric it becomes apparent what the answer to your question is.

jvsylvester.bsky.social @jvsylvester.bsky.social
Only 40% (÷/-) of us can correctly identify the three branches of government.

stay4thefun.bsky.social @stay4thefun.bsky.social
Someone would have to pass a course in 12th grade government class to know these mysteries that you are speaking of

jvsylvester.bsky.social @jvsylvester.bsky.social
My 4th grade teacher required us to be able to recite the Preamble. In the 8th grade, we had to know the topics addressed by the Bill of Rights. Exposure to the Federalist Papers came in high school. Is that not everyone's experience?

stay4thefun.bsky.social @stay4thefun.bsky.social
Honestly, a considerable amount of my understanding came from "Schoolhouse Rock", long before High School.

Decomposing_Compositions @decompositions1974.bsky.social
Science will always win and those too ignorant to acknowledge its existence are doomed to its fate.

geomanny.bsky.social @geomanny.bsky.social
Trump is an A-hole that only cares about money. Even if it means letting the world burn.

stressnag.bsky.social @stressnag.bsky.social
People with a Masters or a PhD who do this for a living and have dedicated their lives to studying and understanding don't know anything but me, an uneducated, unintelligent, willfully ignorant person with every reason imaginable ($$!!) to deny the existence of a man-made climate impact DOES KNOW


anita72.bsky.social @anita72.bsky.social
He doesn't understand the difference between climate and seasons. Seriously, he doesn't.

futuremine.bsky.social @futuremine.bsky.social
He lacks discernment. He can't care enough about something to learn about how it works. It's extreme mental laziness.

anita72.bsky.social @anita72.bsky.social
He also lacks empathy. The concept of service completely escapes him.

Oralee Kennedy

Agreed. I have long said he is a malignant narcissist: lacks empathy, feels entitled to whatever he wants, whenever he wants, thinks he is special/superior, takes advantage of everyone, and monopolizes whatever situation he is in. DISGUSTING. He is the polar opposite of everything good and right.

futuremine.bsky.social @futuremine.bsky.social
Can you imagine what a drag it would be to hang out with him?

anita72.bsky.social @anita72.bsky.social
Awful. I didn't like him from the first time I saw him on TV in the 80's. My banker's radar kicked in. I always thought he was sleazy.

souperchoicechick.bsky.social @souperchoicechick.bsky.social
He was on the front page of every gossip tabloid in the 80s and 90s sleazing it up!

xisthebeast.bsky.social @xisthebeast.bsky.social
yeah...just like coronavirus was gonna disappear by Easter 2020. IDIOT!

cherriebaby.bsky.social @cherriebaby.bsky.social
Don’t forget in the beginning he said it was another democrat hoax . As soon as the election is over the virus will disappear. I hate him more than I have ever hated a person.

Mad Barchetta @madbarchetta.bsky.social
I'm just so damn sick of the idiocy. His and that other 33% of the country's. I'm so not up for another four years of this shyt.

Chicano Art Lover @chicanoartlover.bsky.social
What a fukking idiot. But then, how many times has that been said already about this fukking idiot.
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