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I'm more excited for this match than the All-stars match
I'm more excited for this match than the All-stars match
"That guy Wade Barrett is a natural-born main eventer."
Rhodes had moments where he looked destined for the main event.
Barret was given the opportunity and flopped. He is not entertaining in any way imaginable. He's still living off the Nexus, he's done NOTHING interesting since then.
When you look at the rest of the Nexus, i`d say almost every memberi s more entertaining than Wade.
Bryan - Main event level superstar, Best Wrestler on the planet
Ryback - Was over huge a monster face, booking did him dirty
Heath - At least brings comedy with that 3mb shyt
Gabriel - At least he can be a spot monkey
Young - Under-rated wrestler and part of a good young tag team
Otunga - I think he's dead or something
People on here still on some Wade shyt because they called him the Don Bundy because of his coat and "Winds of Change" promo changed their life or someshyt.
He's a fukking TSC niche commodity, that explains his WWE career.
even Curtis Axel and the former Husky Harris are doing better than Wade now
And Titus O`niel too!
shyt we could make a thread NXT cast members that shyt on the original winner
All these dudes are more significant to the WWE right now than Wade Barret.
Only reason dude has a job is cause of his accent
Lmao! Well if we're including all the NXT alumni, we might as well add AJ and Kaitlyn to this list too.![]()
What about Naomi? And would Maxine count? And how bout aksana?
Maxine quit the company a year ago so no. Aksana's best run in the company was NXT season 3 so she's out too. And Naomi is gonna be on that diva show so that's extra exposure for her, yeah I'd say she's doing better than him right now.
Wouldn't aksana e biggest run be as gm assistant and manager of Antonio Cesaro? And also,wade barrett never won a title in fcw, so shouldn't we count the fcw and nxt people too as well?
let it go you've killed the joke already
I dont see MITB as all faces and all heels
It's established champions and main eventers and the future
As long as that fakkot Big show aint on the card
Wouldnt be mad if Wade got it, he was way over due for a title when they gave sheamus that belt in 5 months of debuting(or it feels like that) or Del Rio who's CLEARLY unover boring and pushed cause of his race and profit.
Sandow is the sleeper pick where I think it's pretty obvious he and Cody are splitting and it's about that time he gets a push. I really feel bad for that boy Cody..HE NEEDS TO FIND HIMSELF. He's over thinking this shyt and probably looking for approval from his daddy rather than being himself. masked Cawdy was the closest we'll see in character development.
Masked cody rhodes was ahead of it's time forreal, stuck in that cookie cutter PG Era imagine the creep promos with Amborse and Breh Wyatt
Speaking of Ambrose, although it would be nice to see him get that world title push, they still can develop the stable more as the shield are one of those rare groups who dont need titles to get over. You can give that belt to someone else who needs it while establishing Dean and co more.