Flip flop much? - geez. It’s not paranoia, it’s the concept of you being inconsistent when it comes to a lineage of Black American people that want specific concessions as long as it is was beneficial and all inclusive to your people. But now that same lineage and groups want specific demands In order to progress, so it becomes an Issue when you had the same ideology 4 yrs ago. Now you non-AA cac panderers act like the concept of a specific agenda escapes your memory and black Americans are not justified in doing so.
I haven’t changed my mind one iota. As black people we could use a well funded and well coordinated PAC group that advances our causes. Some causes like police and criminal justice reform impact all Black people, some causes like reparations are specific to African Americans.
How is this even remotely controversial?
If the hashtags want to splinter off and only advocate for African-Americans specifically, I have no issue with that. The only problem I have is with their anti Black immigrant agenda.
Why is this so hard for you to comprehend? I thought you are a lawyer? Are you this thick headed in your profession?
Again, I challenge you to find any anti African-American posts in my history. I will cash app you $500 dollars.
“So, Pimpin' Be Easy, Quit Catchin' Feelings
Cuz You Worth A Couple Hundred Grand, And I'm Worth Millions
Nobody's Thinkin' About You, Plus Your Beef Ain't Legit
So Please Stay Off The T.I.P. Of My dikk”