Rally games aren't a good barometer for track driving. Rally in general is reserved for people with large testicles and quick reflexes.Got my wheel setup tried playing dirt 5 and im trash going to have to train like goku
Rally games aren't a good barometer for track driving. Rally in general is reserved for people with large testicles and quick reflexes.Got my wheel setup tried playing dirt 5 and im trash going to have to train like goku
just preordered
standard or edition? physical copy or digital copy?
When can we expect reviews
SIFU, Olli Olli World, Horizon, Elden Ring and now GT7..
This is just gluttony at this point. I don’t deserve to be getting fed like this.. And we still got Ghostwire Tokyo, GOW: Ragnarok, Forspoken and Gotham Knights on the way.
PSVR2 in the cut too
2022 is gonna be the GOAT year for gaming.