The crowd was dead for most of the main event straight

Owens Cena two was not as good as there first meeting to me anyway but still great. Cena getting frustrated at the ref seem like he working as a heel.
Cena needs to stop asap with the damm springboard stunner that shyt looked horrible. He didn't connect at all on Owens
Who do we thank for PTP getting the belts Titus winning celebrate dad of the year or Batista putting wwe on blast on twiiter about not pushing Titus
Kofi was so close

i hope new day don't end up going into the bushes now. They need to play up them getting frustrated cuz Xavier was so close to just snapping on the crowd and then he just grin and bear it.
The twin magic spot with Bria pulling tissue paper out her top to show she wasn't nikki

So they really had Shameus win

. So roman is still chasing. The crowd thought Roman was winning and was booing him for most of the match