'Gotham' Season 2 Thread

Manuel Hot Pepper Lopez

cac this, cac that, c00n this c00n that
Oct 5, 2012
how do you suspect batman would fight them in the future if they already all dead in the past :jbhmm:
Fish is not a villain Batman fought
As far as I remembered Firefly was a dude
I don't know anything about Azrael being some dude named Galavan. Is he supposed to reconstruct his body like the T-1000 and be resurrected a second time?

The Devil's Advocate

Call me Dad
Jun 1, 2012
Better to reign in Hell than serve in Heaven
Fish is not a villain Batman fought
As far as I remembered Firefly was a dude
I don't know anything about Azrael being some dude named Galavan. Is he supposed to reconstruct his body like the T-1000 and be resurrected a second time?
They changed the story a little. And galavan was a fake name remember. The real name was du bois who was azraels real name

All I'm saying is if you been watching since day 1, then you know how quickly they introduced characters and killed them off.

So if they didn't bring them back, what would the other option be? Go 5-6-10 more seasons with the 3 villains they haven't killed off yet? Has batman ever killed off a villain? Don't they always come back in the comics too

Ill Lou Malnati

Be Well.
Apr 30, 2012
Just wrapped it up. :whew: @ the monsters getting loose. The show is so silly. Far from what I thought the initial goal was, but it's so good. :ohlawd:

Just mad that the show is blowing their load on the villains and we're aren't getting Batman to go along with it.

So, looks like we're getting some type of Hush-type villain?


Jul 16, 2012
DFW Metroplex

Gotham is giving one of its emerging villains an extreme makeover and a promotion.

TVLine has learned exclusively that when the Fox drama returns this fall with Season 3, little Ivy Pepper will have transformed into big, bad Poison Ivy. As a result, Clare Foley — who has intermittently appeared as the plant-obsessed orphan during the series’ first two seasons — will not be returning.

Casting is underway for an actress in her late teens to assume the now-series regular role of the would-be eco-terrorist.


As TVLine previously reported,Gotham‘s upcoming third season will also mark the arrival of DC Comics staples Vicki Vale and the Mad Hatter. The Season 2 finale also teased the entrance of Bruce Wayne’s long-haired doppelgänger, a development exec producer John Stephens told TVLine is “in line with all the other story we’ve been telling [in Season 2], but one piece that we’ve kept hidden,” adding that with the release of Strange’s bus full of monsters, “the nature of the city of Gotham will change.”


Jul 16, 2012
DFW Metroplex

Gotham is lifting its Vale of secrecy around one of Season 3’s most anticipated characters.

TVLine has learned exclusively that Once Upon a Time warrior Jamie Chung has been cast in the recurring role of Valerie Vale. Gotham Gazette‘s newest hire, Valerie is a crackerjack reporter dead set on uncovering the truth behind Indian Hill. Confident and dogged, she will do anything to get the scoop, and soon sets her sights on Gordon, who she believes is the key lead in her story.

It’s not clear what connection, if any, Valerie has to that other Vale, DC Comics icon Vicki. UPDATE: A source confirms that Valerie is Vicki’s aunt.

As TVLine previously reported, Gotham‘s upcoming third season will also mark the arrival of the Mad Hatter as well as usher in a bigger, badder Ivy Pepper.

Additionally, the Season 2 finale teased the entrance of Bruce Wayne’s long-haired doppelgänger, a development exec producer John Stephens told TVLine is “in line with all the other story we’ve been telling [in Season 2], but one piece that we’ve kept hidden,” adding that with the release of Strange’s bus full of monsters, “the nature of the city of Gotham will change.”

Gotham‘s third season is set to debut on Monday, Sept. 19 at 8/7.


Jul 16, 2012
DFW Metroplex

Poison Ivy’s transformation from precocious orphan to full-on villainess is complete.

TVLine has learned that Gotham has tapped All My Children alum Maggie Geha to take over the role of the would-be eco-terrorist, replacing previous portrayer Clare Foley (see photo, below). And now we can reveal exactly how the Fox drama will explain the character’s sudden growth spurt.

Following an encounter with a monster from Indian Hill, Ivy Pepper finds herself reborn, and one step closer to the DC villain she is destined to become: Poison Ivy. Now a 19-year-old woman who’s harnessed the full


power of her charms, she sets her sights on Bruce Wayne (David Mazouz).

This marks the second significant piece ofGotham casting news ahead of Season 3, following our earlier scoop that Once Upon a Time warrior Jamie Chung has been hired to play the recurring role of Valerie Vale, Vicki’s Aunt. And there’s more new blood to come.

In addition to the imminent introduction of the Mad Hatter, the Season 2 finale alsoteased the entrance of Bruce Wayne’s long-haired doppelgänger, a development exec producer John Stephens previously hinted to TVLine is “in line with all the other story we’ve been telling [in Season 2], but one piece that we’ve kept hidden.”

Gotham‘s third season is set to debut on Monday, Sept. 19 at 8/7.

Roman Brady

Nobody Lives Forever
May 9, 2012
So she went from a potential love interest for wayne to gordon? :heh:

Season 2 was a trillion times better than the trash we got in the 1st. Going the Burton route by making villains the stars while the heroes supported was a step in the right direction.We got more layers from penguin and nygma less character driven storylines for Gordon. Bullock became comic relief shown in small doses, no mob and a reworked mooney while going deeper into bats rogue gallery all master strokes. Felt the last episode kinda let it down but I still can't wait for s3.

Don't know why ppl want to get all highbrow talking about silliness, what this show does in campy/ott/fun, when Gordon attempts to distract a villain by dancing let me know
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Jun 9, 2012
I know I'm late but I just spent the last 2 days watching season 2 getting caught up.. thoughts:

- That Joker character was dope.. him, young Bruce, young Selina, young Penguin and young Riddler should definitely get shots at playing these same characters 10-15 years from now in feature films
- Azrael's action scenes were dope
- Hugo reminded me exactly of Hugo from Arkham City

Some things kinda bother me tho.. like, I get its a origin show but a lot of the popular villains are becoming their full fledge villains too early while Bruce is only 12 I think... its basically Jim Gordon vs. Batman's rogues gallery

So by the time he becomes Batman, the only people that will be around his age would be Catwoman and I assume the real Joker... in the Batman mythos, him being Batman creates a lot of these alter egos. Basically they're all being created by Gordon's existence. I thought the show would focus on them early on which shows how they came to be... seems like they're flat out just showing how they came to be FULLY

At this rate, we're gonna see the Flying Graysons cameo and Bruce only 12

I feel like Riddler's going to actually be referred to as the Riddler next season and we already got Mr. Freeze.

Too many character resurrections this season.... so if the lazarus pits are ever introduced, the fact that someone can be reborn, etc shouldn't surprise anyone in this continuity

I like the Fish Mooney character, don't really understand how you guys don't but its a diff of opinion

I'm mostly looking forward to seeing how Gordon inevitably ends up with Barbara
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Roman Brady

Nobody Lives Forever
May 9, 2012
I know I'm late but I just spent the last 2 days watching season 2 getting caught up.. thoughts:

- That Joker character was dope.. him, young Bruce, young Selina, young Penguin and young Riddler should definitely get shots at playing these same characters 10-15 years from now in feature films
- Azrael's action scenes were dope
- Hugo reminded me exactly of Hugo from Arkham City

Some things kinda bother me tho.. like, I get its a origin show but a lot of the popular villains are becoming their full fledge villains too early while Bruce is only 12 I think... its basically Jim Gordon vs. Batman's rogues gallery

So by the time he becomes Batman, the only people that will be around his age would be Catwoman and I assume the real Joker... in the Batman mythos, him being Batman creates a lot of these alter egos. Basically they're all being created by Gordon's existence. I thought the show would focus on them early on which shows how they came to be... seems like they're flat out just showing how they came to be FULLY

At this rate, we're gonna see the Flying Graysons cameo and Bruce only 12

I feel like Riddler's going to actually be referred to as the Riddler next season and we already got Mr. Freeze.

Too many character resurrections this season.... so if the lazarus pits are ever introduced, the fact that someone can be reborn, etc shouldn't surprise anyone in this continuity

I like the Fish Mooney character, don't really understand how you guys don't but its a diff of opinion

I'm mostly looking forward to seeing how Gordon inevitably ends up with Barbara
I will never understand how watchers of the show get anal over this. Gotham is basically it's own universe the kid playing Bruce will never I repeat never become batman. If the show is on tv long enough he will be a freelance sleuth detective by night Harvard student by day at best. The motivations for why the villains become who they are are fine within the show


Jun 9, 2012
I will never understand how watchers of the show get anal over this. Gotham is basically it's own universe the kid playing Bruce will never I repeat never become batman. If the show is on tv long enough he will be a freelance sleuth detective by night Harvard student by day at best. The motivations for why the villains become who they are are fine within the show
Not being anal with it... just going off what the producers say even though its prolly propaganda by them saying Bruce will become Batman.. I mean, he's already found what will become the Batcave

I think we all know its in its own little separate universe.. just found it interesting as far as everyone will come to be before Batman is even thought of.. I enjoy the show, I guess I kind of misinterpreted what the premise of the show would be... like how we clearly see how Bruce is motivated to become Batman but we'll never see him actually be Batman, I thought the same would occur with most the villains except we actually see Oswald becoming Penguin, Nygma becoming Riddler and Fries becoming Freeze