DamnHer body is about to be a port-o-potty.
Sorry brehEasier said than done breh. She's a "bad b!tch" so I really take pride in having her on the team, having her on my arm out in public, all the stares we get..and I'm not ready to let that go I want to keep her HERE
she gonna be their "favorite girl" for the weekendShe's not "my girl" anyway, just my "favorite girl"
That's not your girl no more breh :HOHBREEZY:
I give her 2 weeks before you and her take a "break" and she suddenly goes on vacation :HOHBREEZY3:
Young Sheikh Abdullah Khadar gon take all kinds of dookies on that broad :HOHBREEZY2:
DamnHer body is about to be a port-o-potty.
they are drinking camel piss tea and
eating laxatives as we speak in hopes
that she accepts.
If you were a true PI to the game...you would get her to Dubai and break bread with her
Make a quick 20g and let her keep the other half
But u wanna simp smh
If she ever replied, its a wrap.The scary thing is that she's the youngest(most impressionable) chick that I have on the team so if any of them were to go for this sh!t, it'd be her
Should I be worried?
Like, how did he get her Fb AND her Insta page if she didn't give it to him