GoT and what is rape and what is not: serious discussion


I started this gangsta sh-
Jan 31, 2014
This is Sansa's second marriage...they purposely bring up her first marriage to juxtapose the two to illustrate how this was not going to be like that.

Originally she was set to marry Jof. Despite her wanting to initially, she had no say in that marraige arrangement as it was sent down from the reigning king.
When he would of went to have sex with her if she did not want to I would say its rape, as she was choiceless in the matter.

Her first actual marraige was to Tyrion. He didn't mess with her, but if he wanted to and she didn't, then again I'd say rape cause she was forced into that marraige by the decree of the house under which she was being held hostage.

But her marraige to Ramsey was of her own free will. She knew it would mean him having sex with her at least once, on their wedding night. These are the terms she willingly agreed to.
Not rape.

Anyway tho, I only draw the distinction because there are lots of actual examples of rape in stories like this. So when everyone starts expanding the definition to not only include legit examples of chicks getting snatched up and dragged into the bushes, but to now also include cases where its a premeditated sought out concession on the part of the woman to try and get over somehow... its concerning.

Sansa had two options. Marry and fukk Ramsey, or turn the carraige around and go back to the eyrie. She chose that first door. They did a whole scene where Littlefinger was like we can dip if you aren't with it, and she was like "nope... let me go ahead and get this power and titles and lands real quick..." then when the time comes to fullfill her end of the bargain and her husband is a jerk (which she knew waaay in advance) everyone is like boo-hoo rape rape.

That aint rape, its prostitution gone wrong.
But, he already paid. And she wasn't tryna give Winterfell (the payment) back, so she gave up the p*ssy like they originally agreed.

If she didn't want that to go down she could of been lightyears from there.
100% her decesion.