Couple developments.
I thought I won
$100, but I won
$285. Probably karma for exposing how evil the white South Africans are in the thread in between when I won and this morning.
Went to the tv spot, they had a 60 inch for 130... (I can def get that for 100 though) but it has 2 or 3 dead pixels... so I passed on it. He said hit him back at 6pm or tommorrow and he'll reserve the next tv they get for me so thats what I'm gonna do.
And yeah, I'll share the spot with everyone, but I do wanna get my tv first.
I know ppl like proof pics... even though I already have shown I'm telling the truth.
ppl amazed you can get a tv and food for the low...
special shout out to
@L&HH since they the only ones seem to know about getting a drink and some chips for 2 bucks.