Darth Nubian
I bought my first Ki from my baby momma brother
Am I the only one who think Carson is the best option?
Insert Jordan "Yeah"' gif
Am I the only one who think Carson is the best option?
Lol damnInsert Jordan "Yeah"' gif
i'm just going to leave this here.....
yea, they od'ed on the "sleepy" concept and just made him out to be soft/gay.... still was funny, but exaggerated.... they killed chris christie and jeb bush though.... the rand paul part wasn't bad either...WTF did they do to Carson in that SNL skit, make him gay?
Yeah,it's her, Huckabee and Santorum in the jv debate
I feel u. They were tolerable to watch when Graham was there, that hilbilly was comedyThink I'll watch a rerun of the first 48 instead.
Carly taking shots at Hiliary and Bill
“Unlike another woman in this race, I actually love spending time with my husband".
didn't realize the undercard was on already. I'll be back for the big debate
Should be a good one tonight.
You guys see this? Took place just down the road from me. He had a rally last night.