Darth Nubian
I bought my first Ki from my baby momma brother
Rick Santorum is just first form Mike Huckabee
Is Cruz the ultimate form?
Rick Santorum is just first form Mike Huckabee
If you don't have the brains to not alienate 1) Homosexuals and 2) Latinos on your campaign to become president you got no business in the white house. This is basic diplomacy. 2 of these fools have pissed off these groups. Why should we trust them to not act like fukkboy's in the Middle East or another foreign country. This is cringeworthy!!! At least fake it till u winJesus Christ
Huckabee is a fukking moron![]()
And just when Kasich was pulling off the "normal Republican" ruse he comes out talking about how much he wants to defund Planned Parenthood just like the rest of these maniacs.
Motherfukker just compared an elected official doing her job to violating the rights of prisoners![]()
this is the beginning of the end of trump.
I was exclusively talking about insurgents and ISIS because that's all the reasons that conservatives ever give to send more troops. If Graham had expanded more on why we need to keep bombing these countries, I would give an opinion on it. But right now, he's just recycling an old script.Your not disagreeing with me.
But It would involve sending boots and an occupation for 20+ years.
There are a lot more factors involved than just simply "insurgents" or even ISIS.