Oh yeah? How'd that Mayweather vs pacq lawsuit work out? Settlement!
I've never heard goosen doing a fighter dirty.
Bottom line is you sign a contract. You are held to it unless you can buy yourself out of it. Problem is nobody is willing to pay that price to free ward.
Like I said that Kessler fight ain't happening. I haven't even heard anything on it as a matter of fact.
I hope wards people know what their doing. Dude is waiting his prime with this. I think if he doesn't fight this year he won't be able to fight at 168(healthy at least). That weight start sticking it is hard to get it off(no homillz). Even trying to dry out might not work.
The Floyd/Pac suit was a very different situation. Pac sued Floyd for comments he was making in public. It was clear what Floyd was doing, it hurt Pac's reputation, and Pac had a very strong case.
If Ward wins the suit, then Goossen's suit loses automatically. Truth negates any defamation claim. If Ward's Ali Act suit fails, then Goossen has a chance to recover…but only if Ward and his attorney were acting maliciously when they made the statements. It's VERY difficult to prove actual malice. This is going to court unless Ward can get out of the contract before then. A defamation suit won't deter his team. Goossen is just trying to keep his good name and fight back.
And this isn't simple contract law. The Ali Act is federal law. And since there's no enforcement guidelines in the Act itself, the court can fashion any sort of remedy it chooses. A federal judge could release Ward from his contract, force them to reform it, make Goossen pay Ward, enforce a criminal penalty on Goossen, or any combination of some or all of the above.