today @ 12:30pm est
Live from Google I/O 2012's opening keynote! -- Engadget
Expected Annoucnements
- New nexus phones
- New nexus tablet
- New google TV
- New verison of android aka jellybean
- Google Glasses update
Minor Annoucments
- Update to google maps
- Google play/drive updates
- driverless cars
- New google entertainment device
- new info on google home auotmation
Live from Google I/O 2012's opening keynote! -- Engadget
Expected Annoucnements
- New nexus phones
- New nexus tablet
- New google TV
- New verison of android aka jellybean
- Google Glasses update
Minor Annoucments
- Update to google maps
- Google play/drive updates
- driverless cars
- New google entertainment device
- new info on google home auotmation