Gold and Silver isn't crazy to have...


Mar 13, 2015
This is your warning:

The current economic situation is the US is bleak at best and abysmal at best. We are at a very crucial stage in history and I hope many of you are prepared, financially, MENTALLY and most important of all spiritually (YOU NEED Jesus, he is NOT Optional!!!).

What’s going on you say, let me make this as clear as possible. The USD is dying. Literally. USD is/has lost its status of world reserve currency and the effects have not been seen yet here at home.

The Federal Reserve, which is a PRIVATE bank has been lying to us via the media. If you think unemployment is down, I got a bridge to sell you in Brooklyn. See graph below, blue line is the true number of unemployment.
Unemployment Data Series (Subscription required.) View Download Excel CSV File Last Updated: January 9th, 2015

Most people forget that the unemployment only accounts for people that are DRAWING unemployment, the people that go past the allowable time are just CUT OFF the equation and aren’t included in the official number. This is known as juking the stats.

But jobs are growing you say, yeah, an increase in PART TIME positions:
The real truth is that jobs are being cut left and right, visit this site and you can follow up and confirm on your own.

Inflation is low you say,

(*Footnote: On 01/07/2013 M2 was $10.452 trillion. On 01/06/2014 M2 grew to $10.962 trillion. That’s a 4.9% increase in the monetary base in just one year. Conversely, a 4.9% decrease in the value of the US dollar.)

I like this graph below from shadow stats,

The CPI-U (consumer price index) is the broadest measure of consumer price inflation for goods and services published by the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS).
While the headline number usually is the seasonally-adjusted month-to-month change, the formal CPI is reported on a not-seasonally-adjusted basis, with annual inflation measured in terms of year-to-year percent change in the price index.
In the charts to the right we show two SGS-Alternate CPI estimates: One based on the pre-1990 official methodology for computing the CPI-U, and the other based on the methodology which was employed prior to 1980.

Have you woken up yet? Need to research a bit more to find out if I’m making sense or not. Well, you better work it out and work out fast, PROVERBS 10:14- Lazy hands make for poverty.

So now you see all this dreary news and you say…what can I do? First…don’t panic. God’s got you covered under his protection. Panic causes us to fear and fear is not from the lord. For God has not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind- 2 timothy 1:7. So use that sound mind that God gave you and THINK.

A slight suggestion I have for you, get some gold and silver. Why you may ask. Well for that I say, lets look at Russia

When the ruble collapse this is what gold did in a day....

So..dang. The collapse (decreased value) was like 30% and the gold increased by 30%. So if you had a few ounces on you, you were good.


Also in Ukraine :
Ukraine Currency Collapses Nearly 70% Against Gold In 4 Months

You can find countless articles like this just by entering Gold and Russian Ruble. Again, we live in the age of internet; to not be aware is no excuse anymore.

You stay hearing the media talk crap about gold and silver, think about lies about us on a DAILY, why wouldn't they lie about this?

But this can’t happen here, the USD is getting stronger and everyone uses it…again I said this was your warning. A lot of different countries are conducting non-dollar trade. (explain the trade) The USD power comes from oil, hence PETRODOLLAR. And non-dollar trading is hitting it hard. This article explains it brilliantly
Do me a favor, google, Bilateral trade, go ahead…I’ll wait….done? How many countries do you see announcing Bilateral trade deals, or an increase in Bilateral trade deals? This means these countries will be using their OWN currency and cutting the USD out. Let that sink in your head for a minute.

Now, some people will tell you, OKOK, I get it, I put half my money in Chinese yuan, I’m covered. That’s good…if you live in a country where Chinese yuan is part of the monetary circulation. But if you’re reading this you DON’t. I'm not saying their isn't away to get some and eventually transfer it into the new currency that comes afterward. But i'm of the mind to skip the middle man and get the backing directly. Buy the precious metals yourself.

But…where do I buy gold and silver you say…first it HAS to be physical. To buy a piece a of paper that say you own a bit of gold is just plain stupid, once you become one of the few peopls in America that OWN physical precious metals you learn the term “If you don’t hold it, you don’t own it”.

Also, this is not something you tell your friends about, this is family ONLY and only a few if that. NO one needs to know how much you got, where you keep it and what you plan to do with it. That’s between you and Jesus. Let them idiots on youtube tell all their dang business. Don't let your left hand know what your right hand is doing.

Also, I would suggest getting some food for you and the family to bundle in case people go nuts for a fews days (of something A-LA- Katrina or Hurricane Sandy pops off, nothing hurts with being a little prepared).

Do you really want to fight for the last peanut butter in the store with some fat lady from Kansas that has to feed her seven cats? I’m not saying go nuts like those preppers who quit their jobs and move to God knows where to live in a hole in a ground, that’s just stupid. Besides, the urban like areas are WAYYY safer in an event where people go nuts, most people in the service KNOW never to being a troop in the city, too many hiding places.

But those nutbags are expecting a MAD MAX scenario, which isn’t going to happen. Remember, even in the last days God said there would be buying and selling. We are not reverting to caveman status, most people are just going to have to learn to live WITHIN their means. If you want to keep those means, I suggest the precious metals (again see the articles about Russia).

You don’t need to believe me, even though it says Revelation 3:18- I counsel thee to buy of me gold tried in the fire, that thou mayest be rich; and white raiment, that thou mayest be clothed, and that the shame of thy nakedness do not appear; and anoint thine eyes with eyesalve, that thou mayest see.

But pray, ask God if this is right for you and if you honestly feel like there is NO need then ignore everything I’ve said here and continue your life. But if you get this nagging sensation and want to invest for your family. Then let me know. I have a TON of sites that will let you buy PHYSICAL gold directly and get it delivered to your house, and I make no profit off this. I just want my people to be ready. I also advised in getting silver and gold testing kits to MAKE sure you are getting the real stuff.

Peace and blessings to you. I hope you make your decision soon.



Jan 7, 2013
Hedging currencies is gambling, please stop this :pharrell:


Sep 10, 2012
Hedging currencies is gambling, please stop this :pharrell:

But what are the odds?



Mar 13, 2015
Sorry, Im new and posted it in the wrong site....Do you know how I can switch it, I was trying to put it in the salon.


Jan 7, 2013
But what are the odds?


The strategy is for risk averse retirees...if you've read any financial newsletters in the last 30 years's the same "sky is falling! End is Nigh! Buy Gold! Hoard Food! "

You need physical gold and silver for it to even make sense......but i'm a young opportunist with an abundance mindset

Currencies falling = opportunity to buy up land and other assets for pennies or if you're an azzhole short the sh!t outta bonds

Job cuts and part time job creation = More lower class and more rich people ( create products and services for this increase)


...come on let's picture the possibility...
Oct 10, 2013
The strategy is for risk averse retirees...if you've read any financial newsletters in the last 30 years's the same "sky is falling! End is Nigh! Buy Gold! Hoard Food! "

You need physical gold and silver for it to even make sense......but i'm a young opportunist with an abundance mindset

Currencies falling = opportunity to buy up land and other assets for pennies or if you're an azzhole short the sh!t outta bonds

Job cuts and part time job creation = More lower class and more rich people ( create products and services for this increase)
How can you buy up for pennies if the currency fails and the pennies then become worthless? Also, once the currency loses it value, doesn't the cost of items then increase?


Mar 13, 2015
The strategy is for risk averse retirees...if you've read any financial newsletters in the last 30 years's the same "sky is falling! End is Nigh! Buy Gold! Hoard Food! "

You need physical gold and silver for it to even make sense......but i'm a young opportunist with an abundance mindset

Currencies falling = opportunity to buy up land and other assets for pennies or if you're an azzhole short the sh!t outta bonds

Job cuts and part time job creation = More lower class and more rich people ( create products and services for this increase)

I agree to certain extent. The whole point of getting precious metals is to switch it out at a later time to buy assets such as land and other capital.
You're not going to go to the grocery store and buy bread with silver. Which a lot of people who do stack are very confused about.

When the currency devalues you'll still have the same power to buy the tangible assets as oppose to holding cash which took a huge hit. During the Wiemar collapse people were buying BLOCKS of houses for ounces of silver.

I dont think it's gonna get that bad here, but you never know.