I challenged 2 teachers while in high school one was an older black woman science teacher ...i didnt agree that i was a part of the ape family
...the second was a younger white male who allegedy "taught" history...we disagreed when i noticed that the history book decieved the reader by placing cave men in europe in chapter 1...making us believe this was all of our points of origin in civilization..then i saw pyramids being built on some sidebar in the cliff notes fine print type $hit...and the dates were bc
I was like wtf is going on around here?...does anyone else see the deception? Lol...and i was 15 as a sophmore...yup 1995
i sure hope that teacher told you to shut the fukk up and sit down.
I remember being in school and challenging teachers like that...he will grow up to be a conscious minded truth seeking conspiracy theorist as well...
18 year old Sophomore though :whaaa:
Yeah, I remember this kid telling my Chemistry teacher that the earth was only 3000 years old... My chemistry teacher straight shyt on this kid and told him to sit the fukk down, the whole class was dying laughing.Few are born with the ability to challenge the status quo and question authority
While the rest remain sheep
Real shyt though, if you ever had one or a couple of fantastic teachers, you know the difference when someone actually gives a fukk about you and your education. They make it their personal business to see you succeed and it feels like it transcends their job requirements.
I'll go to my grave thanking some of them for the roles they played in my life.
f*ck yall. I just sat through the worst class of my life listening nutcases spew about fluoride in water & GMO's...