going on a no processed food/no sugar diet


Private D1ck/Family Man
Aug 31, 2014
Mission Hill
my dad buys that shyt 80 percent of the time so thats all i pretty much eat, i always knew it was bad but i thought it was ok in small doses. well i was wrong and turns out you don't need that shyt at all.
in america 75 percent of the food is processed/sugarified, the sugar here is artificial and grown in labs so its even worse than sugar in say, france. once i started doing this on tuesday my belly is already looking WAY smaller and my body is returning to its natural shape, my waist is shrinking again too and im starting to see my curves way more.

the only candy im going to eat is going to be french candy but is that a bad idea? isnt american candy way more fattening and unhealthy?

anyone try this before? your results?


Hijo Del Ray
Nov 19, 2014
i stopped eating all that poison back in january. Been off the beef and chicken, no one should be eating PORK for any reason, its like eating cancer. Stopped drinking store bought fruit juices, "energy drinks", vitamin water etc.. I mainly eat brown rice, black beans, spinach, fresh raw garlic and a large amount of dried herbs as my staple meal. I like making french fries by frying potatoes or sweet potatoes in coconut oil. I only drink water, tea or an herbal drink i make like apple cider vinegar mixed with water,cinnamon and honey. I have put on solid ripped lean muscle since i started but what i really wanted to do was get rid of the fat around my waistline and yo since i've been eating and drinking right my stomach is at perfect size, now im just making sure to hit atleast 100 leg lifts/ wipers twice a day so that i get that superhero 8 pack all the way in there. That's one thing to keep in mind, if you don't have ripped and strong abdominal muscles already, you're going to have to work em in there because contrary to what people say, reducing your stomach fat isn't going to reveal any ab muscles if you don't have them built up already


Private D1ck/Family Man
Aug 31, 2014
Mission Hill
i stopped eating all that poison back in january. Been off the beef and chicken, no one should be eating PORK for any reason, its like eating cancer. Stopped drinking store bought fruit juices, "energy drinks", vitamin water etc.. I mainly eat brown rice, black beans, spinach, fresh raw garlic and a large amount of dried herbs as my staple meal. I like making french fries by frying potatoes or sweet potatoes in coconut oil. I only drink water, tea or an herbal drink i make like apple cider vinegar mixed with water,cinnamon and honey. I have put on solid ripped lean muscle since i started but what i really wanted to do was get rid of the fat around my waistline and yo since i've been eating and drinking right my stomach is at perfect size, now im just making sure to hit atleast 100 leg lifts/ wipers twice a day so that i get that superhero 8 pack all the way in there. That's one thing to keep in mind, if you don't have ripped and strong abdominal muscles already, you're going to have to work em in there because contrary to what people say, reducing your stomach fat isn't going to reveal any ab muscles if you don't have them built up already

im a lady so i don't care much for building up my abs, but firming up the body is a good thing.
thanks, i may try your diet!
is subway sandwich good or is it processed shyt too?


Hijo Del Ray
Nov 19, 2014
i'd stay away from all the candy if you're trying to keep chemicals in your body. The only candy is the candy you make yourself with natural ingredients. My rule is that "If it was already made for you, its not made for you". Prepared foods are the worst way to go, you only want food that you have to cook or prepare yourself, this is the only way to ensure that you are not going to buy something with an extra 15 chemical ingredients slipped into your food. I know you can make fruit roll ups easy by pureeing fruit like strawberries and spreading it thin on parchment paper. Once you stop eating the sugar and your taste buds heal food with sugar tastes disgusting.

I stopped using any kind of sugar for sweetener, instead i use Raw Honey and instead of cheap corn syrup i use organic maple syrup. Alot of the food out there being passed off as "organic" and "natural" is not organic or natural, you will find they use many artificial ingredients if you check the ingredient label of every package you will like buying, i have literally found GLASS, PLASTIC, SAND, and WOOD PULP to be common ingredients in "natural supplements" and "natural" foods. They are taking food and mixing it with toxic chemicals on purpose to not only keep people sick but also ADDICTED to their foods.

Sugar is a DRUG and if you are addicted you need to get off it before you become sick. Common sugar actually fuels cancer cells and contributes to creating an environment for cancer to develop and spread throughout the body.

1. Sugar makes your organs fat.
Sugar Stat: The fructose—a component of table sugar and high-fructose corn syrup—in added sugars triggers your liver to store fat more efficiently, and in weird places. Over time, a diet high in fructose could lead to globules of fat building up around your liver, a precursor to nonalcoholic fatty liver disease, something rarely seen before 1980.

2. Sugar primes your body for diabetes.
Sugar Stat: A PLoS One study found that for every extra 150 calories from sugar available per person each day, diabetes prevalence rises by 1.1 percent.

3. Sugar hammers your heart.
Sugar Stat: You might expect sugar-curbing recommendations from the American Diabetes Association, thanks to sugar's clear impact on type 2 diabetes.
But the truth is heart disease and diabetes are intricately related: Heart disease and stroke are the No. 1 causes of death among people with type 2 diabetes, accounting for 65 percent of those deaths.

4. Sugar creates tense blood vessels.
Sugar Stat: Excess added sugars cause excess insulin in the bloodstream, which takes its toll on your body's circulatory highway system, your arteries. Chronic high insulin levels cause the smooth muscle cells around each blood vessel to grow faster than normal, according to The Sugar Smart Diet. This causes tense artery walls, something that puts you on the path to high blood pressure, and ultimately, makes a stroke or heart attack more likely.

5. Sugar promotes cholesterol chaos.
Sugar Stat: There is an unsettling connection between sugar and cholesterol, as well. A study in the Journal of the American Medical Association found that, after excluding people with high cholesterol and/or diabetes and people who were excessively overweight, those who ate the highest levels of added sugars experienced the biggest spike in bad cholesterol levels and dangerous triglyceride blood fats, and the lowest good (HDL) cholesterol levels. One theory? Sugar overload could spark your liver to churn out more bad cholesterol while also inhibiting your body's ability to clear it out.

6. It leads to type 3 diabetes.
Sugar Stat: Brown University neuropathologist Suzanne de la Monte, MD, coined the term type 3 diabetes after her team was the first to discover the links between insulin resistance and high-fat diets and Alzheimer's disease. In fact, her work suggests Alzheimer's is a metabolic disease, one in which the brain's ability to use glucose and produce energy is damaged. To paraphrase, it's like having diabetes in the brain.

7. Sugar turns you into a junkie.
Sugar Stat: Much like street drugs, sugar triggers the release of chemicals that set off our brain's pleasure center, in this case opioids and dopamine. And as they do with street drugs, people develop a tolerance for sugar, meaning they need more sugar for a feel-good "fix." In rat studies looking at sugar addiction, the animals binge on the sweet stuff, and they experience chattering teeth, tremors, shakes, and anxiety when it's taken away.

8. Sugar turns you into a ravenous animal.
Sugar Stat: Sugar. Makes. You. Feel. Famished. Emerging research suggests regularly eating too much sugar scrambles your body's ability to tell your brain you're full. Carrying a few extra pounds and living with type 2 diabetes can throw off your body's ability to properly put off leptin hormones. Leptin's job is to say, "I'm full! Now stop eating!" Fructose also appears to play badly with leptin; eating a high-fructose diet means your body feels hungry, even when you're overeating!

9. Sugar makes you an energy-starved zombie.
Sugar Stat: You know the feeling. You grab a chocolate candy bar, and with it, get that brief jolt of energy. (Soon to be replaced by unrelenting fatigue.) Science shows it takes just 30 minutes or less to go from a sugar rush to a full-on sugar crash. This sugar spike-and-crash sets you up to want more sugar—a vicious cycle. To add insult to injury, The Sugar Smart Diet points out that sugar also triggers the release of serotonin, a sleep regulator. So much for an energy bump!

10. Sugar turns your smile upside down.
Sugar Stat: We might reach for sugar to feel better, but we're getting the opposite effect in the end. A study published in Public Helath Journal followed nearly 9,000 people to study the link between depression and eating sugary sweets and fast food. After six years, those who ate the most junk faced a nearly 40 percent greater risk of developing depression, compared to those who shunned junk food the most. In people with insulin resistance, it appears the brain releases lower levels of feel-good dopamine.

11. Sugar wrecks your face.
Sugar Stat: Sugar in your bloodstream attaches to proteins to form harmful new molecules called advanced glycation end products, or AGEs. These unwanted invaders attack nearby proteins, damaging them, including protein fibers in collagen and elastin, the components that keep your skin firm and elastic. The result of too much sugar? Dry, brittle protein fibers that lead to wrinkles and saggy skin.


Private D1ck/Family Man
Aug 31, 2014
Mission Hill
i'd stay away from all the candy if you're trying to keep chemicals in your body. The only candy is the candy you make yourself with natural ingredients. My rule is that "If it was already made for you, its not made for you". Prepared foods are the worst way to go, you only want food that you have to cook or prepare yourself, this is the only way to ensure that you are not going to buy something with an extra 15 chemical ingredients slipped into your food. I know you can make fruit roll ups easy by pureeing fruit like strawberries and spreading it thin on parchment paper. Once you stop eating the sugar and your taste buds heal food with sugar tastes disgusting.

I stopped using any kind of sugar for sweetener, instead i use Raw Honey and instead of cheap corn syrup i use organic maple syrup. Alot of the food out there being passed off as "organic" and "natural" is not organic or natural, you will find they use many artificial ingredients if you check the ingredient label of every package you will like buying, i have literally found GLASS, PLASTIC, SAND, and WOOD PULP to be common ingredients in "natural supplements" and "natural" foods. They are taking food and mixing it with toxic chemicals on purpose to not only keep people sick but also ADDICTED to their foods.

Sugar is a DRUG and if you are addicted you need to get off it before you become sick. Common sugar actually fuels cancer cells and contributes to creating an environment for cancer to develop and spread throughout the body.

1. Sugar makes your organs fat.
Sugar Stat: The fructose—a component of table sugar and high-fructose corn syrup—in added sugars triggers your liver to store fat more efficiently, and in weird places. Over time, a diet high in fructose could lead to globules of fat building up around your liver, a precursor to nonalcoholic fatty liver disease, something rarely seen before 1980.

2. Sugar primes your body for diabetes.
Sugar Stat: A PLoS One study found that for every extra 150 calories from sugar available per person each day, diabetes prevalence rises by 1.1 percent.

3. Sugar hammers your heart.
Sugar Stat: You might expect sugar-curbing recommendations from the American Diabetes Association, thanks to sugar's clear impact on type 2 diabetes.
But the truth is heart disease and diabetes are intricately related: Heart disease and stroke are the No. 1 causes of death among people with type 2 diabetes, accounting for 65 percent of those deaths.

4. Sugar creates tense blood vessels.
Sugar Stat: Excess added sugars cause excess insulin in the bloodstream, which takes its toll on your body's circulatory highway system, your arteries. Chronic high insulin levels cause the smooth muscle cells around each blood vessel to grow faster than normal, according to The Sugar Smart Diet. This causes tense artery walls, something that puts you on the path to high blood pressure, and ultimately, makes a stroke or heart attack more likely.

5. Sugar promotes cholesterol chaos.
Sugar Stat: There is an unsettling connection between sugar and cholesterol, as well. A study in the Journal of the American Medical Association found that, after excluding people with high cholesterol and/or diabetes and people who were excessively overweight, those who ate the highest levels of added sugars experienced the biggest spike in bad cholesterol levels and dangerous triglyceride blood fats, and the lowest good (HDL) cholesterol levels. One theory? Sugar overload could spark your liver to churn out more bad cholesterol while also inhibiting your body's ability to clear it out.

6. It leads to type 3 diabetes.
Sugar Stat: Brown University neuropathologist Suzanne de la Monte, MD, coined the term type 3 diabetes after her team was the first to discover the links between insulin resistance and high-fat diets and Alzheimer's disease. In fact, her work suggests Alzheimer's is a metabolic disease, one in which the brain's ability to use glucose and produce energy is damaged. To paraphrase, it's like having diabetes in the brain.

7. Sugar turns you into a junkie.
Sugar Stat: Much like street drugs, sugar triggers the release of chemicals that set off our brain's pleasure center, in this case opioids and dopamine. And as they do with street drugs, people develop a tolerance for sugar, meaning they need more sugar for a feel-good "fix." In rat studies looking at sugar addiction, the animals binge on the sweet stuff, and they experience chattering teeth, tremors, shakes, and anxiety when it's taken away.

8. Sugar turns you into a ravenous animal.
Sugar Stat: Sugar. Makes. You. Feel. Famished. Emerging research suggests regularly eating too much sugar scrambles your body's ability to tell your brain you're full. Carrying a few extra pounds and living with type 2 diabetes can throw off your body's ability to properly put off leptin hormones. Leptin's job is to say, "I'm full! Now stop eating!" Fructose also appears to play badly with leptin; eating a high-fructose diet means your body feels hungry, even when you're overeating!

9. Sugar makes you an energy-starved zombie.
Sugar Stat: You know the feeling. You grab a chocolate candy bar, and with it, get that brief jolt of energy. (Soon to be replaced by unrelenting fatigue.) Science shows it takes just 30 minutes or less to go from a sugar rush to a full-on sugar crash. This sugar spike-and-crash sets you up to want more sugar—a vicious cycle. To add insult to injury, The Sugar Smart Diet points out that sugar also triggers the release of serotonin, a sleep regulator. So much for an energy bump!

10. Sugar turns your smile upside down.
Sugar Stat: We might reach for sugar to feel better, but we're getting the opposite effect in the end. A study published in Public Helath Journal followed nearly 9,000 people to study the link between depression and eating sugary sweets and fast food. After six years, those who ate the most junk faced a nearly 40 percent greater risk of developing depression, compared to those who shunned junk food the most. In people with insulin resistance, it appears the brain releases lower levels of feel-good dopamine.

11. Sugar wrecks your face.
Sugar Stat: Sugar in your bloodstream attaches to proteins to form harmful new molecules called advanced glycation end products, or AGEs. These unwanted invaders attack nearby proteins, damaging them, including protein fibers in collagen and elastin, the components that keep your skin firm and elastic. The result of too much sugar? Dry, brittle protein fibers that lead to wrinkles and saggy skin.

sooo true. man.. my dad won't hear it tho. :snoop:


Hijo Del Ray
Nov 19, 2014
im a lady so i don't care much for building up my abs, but firming up the body is a good thing.
thanks, i may try your diet!
is subway sandwich good or is it processed shyt too?
it is horrible for you, that is also processed. I actually started making my own bread because there was none in the store that wasn't processed and full of artificial ingredients. This is why people are getting cancer, diabetes etc.. at an all time high, we are eating poison with every meal. I use organic proteins and meal replacements also and this is the only site that uses ONLY organic and natural ingredients EvpFitHealingNutrition this is what helped me change my diet because the powder is loaded with nutrients. They have fat burners, fat blockers that are organic which is probably more up your ally and they have alot of good info on what to eat.

The right nutrients will help your body firm up naturally but the wrong foods will prevent that from happening. If you just want to tone up and not put bulk on i would suggest doing leg lifts if you can every day. They will slim down your torso and give you that beach body look as long as you stay off the poison!


Private D1ck/Family Man
Aug 31, 2014
Mission Hill
it is horrible for you, that is also processed. I actually started making my own bread because there was none in the store that wasn't processed and full of artificial ingredients. This is why people are getting cancer, diabetes etc.. at an all time high, we are eating poison with every meal. I use organic proteins and meal replacements also and this is the only site that uses ONLY organic and natural ingredients EvpFitHealingNutrition this is what helped me change my diet because the powder is loaded with nutrients. They have fat burners, fat blockers that are organic which is probably more up your ally and they have alot of good info on what to eat.

The right nutrients will help your body firm up naturally but the wrong foods will prevent that from happening. If you just want to tone up and not put bulk on i would suggest doing leg lifts if you can every day. They will slim down your torso and give you that beach body look as long as you stay off the poison!

doesn't europe have less processed food? like if i were to buy food in a store in france, would that be bad as it is in America?
i always got the impression it was more natural there.
god damn it sucks that im still under my parents roof though, this may never happen because i would be needing to ask them. :wow:


Hijo Del Ray
Nov 19, 2014
doesn't europe have less processed food? like if i were to buy food in a store in france, would that be bad as it is in America?
i always got the impression it was more natural there.
god damn it sucks that im still under my parents roof though, this may never happen because i would be needing to ask them. :wow:
it depends on what is being sold. Overseas and especially in europe they have better regulations on the food industry, especially when it comes to genetically modified organisms but that doesn't mean its still not contaminated, they just can't legally contaminate their food AS MUCH as american companies do. So what it comes down to is you HAVE to know what you are eating, if you don't understand what something is you shouldn't put it in your mouth. Bad food is sold all around the globe not just america, so what you really want to do is learn how to prepare your own meals/food items because if you are looking for a way to get healthy processed food, you're going to find out there is no such thing. If you don't know what every ingredient is in the food you're eating then you are acting out of ignorance and for lack of knowledge people perish/die every day. 95% of the people you know who are sick, are sick and dying because of what they put into their bodies. It's easy to change, if you care about living healthy.

Start simple, if you're on a budget get the brown or black rice, beans or lentils, some spinach/kale and some olive oil/coconut oil, with some seasonings and you can eat good for less than $2 a day.

Don't determine what you eat by pleasure but by knowledge. Eat what's good for your body, don't be a slave to your tongue.


Private D1ck/Family Man
Aug 31, 2014
Mission Hill
it depends on what is being sold. Overseas and especially in europe they have better regulations on the food industry, especially when it comes to genetically modified organisms but that doesn't mean its still not contaminated, they just can't legally contaminate their food AS MUCH as american companies do. So what it comes down to is you HAVE to know what you are eating, if you don't understand what something is you shouldn't put it in your mouth. Bad food is sold all around the globe not just america, so what you really want to do is learn how to prepare your own meals/food items because if you are looking for a way to get healthy processed food, you're going to find out there is no such thing. If you don't know what every ingredient is in the food you're eating then you are acting out of ignorance and for lack of knowledge people perish/die every day. 95% of the people you know who are sick, are sick and dying because of what they put into their bodies. It's easy to change, if you care about living healthy.

Start simple, if you're on a budget get the brown or black rice, beans or lentils, some spinach/kale and some olive oil/coconut oil, with some seasonings and you can eat good for less than $2 a day.

Don't determine what you eat by pleasure but by knowledge. Eat what's good for your body, don't be a slave to your tongue.

have you noticed your hormone levels are different? like the way you see things and your drive for things, has your skin been looking different? i eat salad and sandwiches (bread, two slices of meat, some sauce [just realized thats bad i know], and mayonnaise) with some apples/fruits now and my body feels weird like its detoxing. altho you just informed me some of the stuff i eat is still processed, which i didn't know. shame. its amazing too because right after that my body is looking way smaller, just amazing. just imagine my body if i never ate this shyt in my life.


Lay off the salt
Dec 5, 2014
I eat about 20-30 dates a day and 5 or 6 bananas. Which is a metric shyt ton of sugar. You won't get fat or sick from whole foods.

Sugar isn't the problem, its man-made isolated sugars.

Just like fat isn't the problem, it's that fake ass "somehow we got fat from this vegetable" oil.

PS. if y'all really gonna eat that psuedo vegan diet, make sure you're supplementing B12, iodine, D3 and zinc (or iron if you're a girl).
May 1, 2012
Des Moines, IA

Hippie nutrition 101

80/20 rule brehs, learn it and use it

**waits someone to come in here talking about how shytty processed food is while they chug a protein powder shake**:lolbron:

'Processed' is a swear word to hippies in the same sense that 'liberal' is a swear word to racist old white guys.

Can someone please explain to me where we draw the line at what point a food becomes 'processed', and why exactly this invisible line turns the food into poison? Last time I checked, cooking a food was a process. Picking a piece of fruit off a vine is a process. Throwing it in a blender is a process. Why is my Lean Cuisine spaghetti meal considered processed and unhealthy poison? Because it was made on an assembly line? Is bread a whole food or do I need to eat the whole grains right off the stalk in order to be healthy? Is olive oil poison because it is processed for extraction from a whole food?

C'mon, I need some definitions so I can understand. :skip:

P.S.....:mjlol:at the French vs. American sugar stuff in the OP. Not sure if trolling or not.


Old Master
May 11, 2012

Hippie nutrition 101

80/20 rule brehs, learn it and use it

**waits someone to come in here talking about how shytty processed food is while they chug a protein powder shake**:lolbron:

'Processed' is a swear word to hippies in the same sense that 'liberal' is a swear word to racist old white guys.

Can someone please explain to me where we draw the line at what point a food becomes 'processed', and why exactly this invisible line turns the food into poison? Last time I checked, cooking a food was a process. Picking a piece of fruit off a vine is a process. Throwing it in a blender is a process. Why is my Lean Cuisine spaghetti meal considered processed and unhealthy poison? Because it was made on an assembly line? Is bread a whole food or do I need to eat the whole grains right off the stalk in order to be healthy? Is olive oil poison because it is processed for extraction from a whole food?

C'mon, I need some definitions so I can understand. :skip:

P.S.....:mjlol:at the French vs. American sugar stuff in the OP. Not sure if trolling or not.
In for the discussion

Apollo Creed

Look at your face
Feb 20, 2014
Handsome Boyz Ent
Cut out Pork limit Fried food and red meat consumption and drink only water (unless you juice veggies and fruits), and you'll be ok. I plan on being done with Pork By products by end of next yr, got to many Multi vitamins and fish oil that I aint trying to just throw out.


Private D1ck/Family Man
Aug 31, 2014
Mission Hill
Cut out Pork limit Fried food and red meat consumption and drink only water (unless you juice veggies and fruits), and you'll be ok. I plan on being done with Pork By products by end of next yr, got to many Multi vitamins and fish oil that I aint trying to just throw out.

What do you think of what the dude said [the guy who first replied to this thread]?

I don't eat pork, don't eat fried food anymore and no red meat

Apollo Creed

Look at your face
Feb 20, 2014
Handsome Boyz Ent
What do you think of what the dude said [the guy who first replied to this thread]?

I don't eat pork, don't eat fried food anymore and no red meat

I didnt read but I have talked to him before. When it comes to body composition, food is food, its all about calories in vs calories out. When it comes to what foods are healthy and beneficial to Us (Black people, assuming you're black), thats a whole diff can of worms. Its honestly impossible to say what is and isn't healthy for you, because every human responds to things different and you would have to conduct studies on humans for the span of a life time, and even then there are so many different variables that there is no true way to get an answer. I will say that being an African, my people back home live much longer, while blacks in America and Blacks from other countries who come to america, when they pick up the American lifestyle they get crap like Cancer which is damn near unheard of in Africa. At the end of the day anything can cause harm if you over do it, you have Vegans preaching how healthy they are yet many look sickly and have deficiencies in nutrients you get from meat and end up having to take supplements to make up for it. I honestly feel Meat is vital to humans but not to the point where you have to have 8oz of meat 3 times a day every day, I also don't believe in eating 3-4 meals a day, I believe in fasting/eating when you're actually hungry.