That's not surprising. he's rich so he easily can afford laser facial rejuvenation. your going to see a lot of people in the coming decade looking 30 in their 50s.
Nah I remember reading his article in a source magazine like 20 years ago. He said he didn't eat red meat, or pork. He also has been a consistent gym dude since way back then.
Here is a jewel for my coli brehs that I just found out. Stop using that crisco vegetable oil and shortening when you fry. Start using the lard (pig fat) it is much healthier, it fries better, more flavor, and it doesn't come with the inflammation and sluggishness like vegetable oil.
Before the early 20th century people used lard for skin, frying, baking, everything. You see how lean people were back then right. Then came the vegetable oil hustle.
Just thought I'd drop some game on my brehs.