I was always a fan of the jack knife.... probably too much of a fan.
I almost killed a white boy in middle school using that move but its very effective
When I was in 8th Grade and was the new kid at this middle school. Naturally people will always try to try you.
It was gym class and we was in the locker room changing for gym, I had just got into my gym shyt and was leaning over tying my shoes and this chubby white kid walks by and farts in my face.... then laughs like shyt is sweet (cac humor as the coli calls it)
I remember, I just blanked and did the Sid/Nash finisher sequence where I stood up, kicked him in his stomach and when he bent over pick him up for the powerbomb/jackknife and planted him on his back/neck.
Man the lockerroom got quiet went from cats looking at me like
I remember standing over this dude looking down at him as my rage settled down to concern as I legit thought I killed that boy cuz for like a good 15 seconds that felt like 3 minutes, he wasnt breathing and he was just looking up with this blank look.
Then he caught his breath, got up and ran out the locker room crying.
I got suspended 2 days and put in ISS for like a week