Riley Escobar
Perfect just took the title of goat over seller off the strength of this gif alone
Anyone got the gif where Hogan smashes his head into the turnbuckle and he does a somersault?
Perfect just took the title of goat over seller off the strength of this gif alone
Scott Hall was pretty good too
Firing Up The Network right now.I have to go watch that Hogan/Michaels match now.![]()
He was supposed to win, but they changed the ending the day before. He started going heavy on booze and pills after this. Arguably the greatest sell ever
7:39man no fukkin way steve austin was supposed to job to scott hall at wrestlemania...until the DAY BEFORE...gtfoh
man no fukkin way steve austin was supposed to job to scott hall at wrestlemania...until the DAY BEFORE...gtfoh
man no fukkin way steve austin was supposed to job to scott hall at wrestlemania...until the DAY BEFORE...gtfoh
Perfect just took the title of goat over seller off the strength of this gif alone