GMB: married teacher gets back blown out in field


Apr 18, 2013
Might be the most embarrassing thing to happen to you


"She asked him if he wanted to have sex. He said yes and they proceeded to have sex for about five minutes. This was done with her back to him, her bending forward.

“He pulled down her leggings and lifted her red coat."


All Star
Jun 25, 2014
You see a lot of these chicks are on the younger side. Some of my friends from college that are teaching now, were taking dikk any and everywhere they could during and after we graduated. Just because they are a teacher, doesn’t stop them from wanting dikk.

married or not, this is a mentality, not a mistake. They feel that they can manage the situation, but more times than not these kids are talking and/or clout chasing.


lock her up


Jul 1, 2014
must be some white man shyt or something, he standing by her.

pathetic...the fact that she is a pedo would have me worried about our own children, id be lawyered up quick because im definitely getting full custody without having to pay child support lol...the one good thing that comes outta these situations


The StarchBishop™️
Sep 4, 2012
A lot of these young women in their 20s and 30s aren't mentally stable and a lot of them probably aren't getting the attention they want and think they deserve at home.

Most women have child minds even in their 20s. Even 30s.And before a female quotes me on this, I said most, not all.

That's the real reason why these things happen. There's an affinity and a resonance with the students. Because they themselves operate on that same level.

its mostly reliving her young age ... once the trigger is flipped its a wrap
its not very hard to figure out sexually why people do shyt

she could have been not a hoe and wanted to be
or she was a hoe and missed that life

either way shes living fantasies like shes a child too

This is the equation, fams.

The sexual part of a woman’s thought process is as mature as the age when she found out
she could get sexual attention from boys/men she wants. So while this is different for all girls/women,
that’s why women tend to reason/act like teenagers in relationships.

And when they get to the time in life when they can’t get their way/attention like they used to, they wanna
feel that way again. A New Dude can make them feel that way - for a while. He doesn’t have to be
a teenager, he just has to be a male that’s different from the one she’s already bored with.
This story is the same as “my wife cheated with the guy from work” - it’s only News because the
guy from her work is a teenager, because she spends most of her time at work with people that age.

There are umpteen stories about a woman cheating on her man because:

“he changed when he found his career/became a Dad (i.e - things happened to make him grow up)”

“(New Dude) made me feel young again”
she found her High School Boyfriend/Crush on Facebook

...etc., for people to not recognize this as a thing.

And dig this, playboy - when these grown-ass women be cheating,
they move EXACTLY like teenage girls. What they do?

- sneak out the house at night
- start dressing thottier
- real protective of their phone
- going to party with young’ns, doing dumb chit like getting White Boy Wasted
- fuccing in places like fields, like there ain’t better places to fucc


On the flip side, for the husbands of these women - understand that a lot of times their wife is
the first girl/woman to show some love or act like they wanna be with them. So many times
these dudes are average looking mid 20s - early 30s...if we keep it way real, we can admit that’s
the struggle years for dudes; you trying to come up and get your life straight. And if you ain’t
particularly handsome, having bread, or got game, broads ain’t gonna be checking for you like that.

But like @KingFreeman said, them average White broads was raised to pick their man from
these men, so they’ll give Average Dude some run. If dude is cool, she’ll fucc around and keep
him. Now once this kinda situation comes up, Average Dude is like “I love (bytch) and she’s the only one
who ever really loved me...and I don’t want my marriage to fail. I can help her. [Enrique Iglesias] ‘I can


Because it’s a lose-lose situation.
You stay - you staying
with somebody who at worst you can’t trust, and at best is weak.
You leave - that’s yo’ ass in Divorce Court, and you gotta go back in The Game with
that Divorce L on your forehead.
Imagine every first date when she asks why you got divorced, and you gotta tell this awful story again -
and you hope nobody else in that li’l-ass Starbucks overhears.

I understand it.
It couldn’t be me...but I understand it.

EDIT- damn, this was long as a muffucca. Lol



I think very deeply
May 4, 2012
I’ve talked about this ad nauseam as to why so many white women are molesting (not romping with) these young boys.

Women mature quicker than men but they definitely stop maturing emotionally very early on. If anything, you can say it gets stunted once they reach their early 20s. Few ever leave that phase.

Throw in the fact that most women don’t reach their sexual peak until their 30s and add a bunch of horny teenage boys with high testosterone, makes it a recipe for disaster.

Imagine if these were mainly Muslim men molesting white girls... oh wait, no need to imagine. The UK media point out daily how “Asian grooming gains” are raping vulnerable white girls. Yet they don’t have the same smoke for the plethora of white women getting caught having sex with underage boys. Using tame adjectives like “romp” proves my point.:francis:

Exactly. Not that I'm gonna defend the Asian muslims (I don't have a dog in that fight, not my concern or problem) :hubie:, but you just know the narrative would be totally different. I notice all these cute, little friendly terms the media uses no matter how wicked a cac is. They'll still spin this into her being a victim somehow. Even the film Notes on a Scandal kinda lowkey portrayed the teacher as a victim and the boy as some devious 'Jack the lad' type who knew what he was doing.

But I've always been saying from day one, these young teachers who sleep with underage boys deep down want to get caught. This day and age especially, there's no way you don't know the secret is gonna get out eventually.