I'm usually sympathetic towards women on stuff like this but I've been getting really pissed at how disingenuous they can be about this shyt.
every woman married to a rich guy helped him grow his business. Given how rich they are, they also probably had nannies and maids raiding the kids and cooking. So spare me that shyt.
Not even woman "gives up her career" to raise children.
A lot of women's goal is to marry a man that earns enough money so they don't have to work. Yes, that's the truth. Being a stay-at-home isn't "the toughest job in the world. A lot of women right now are out here working, pissed that their husbands haven't earned enough for them to just sit back and be a stay-at-home mom. That's a fact.
Part of why women initiate divorce isn't
always because "they're fed up and women are better at recognizing that the relationship's problems are unfixable and men are stubborn". It's not only that. A lot of it is because women
know there's a financial incentive in divorce
. For crying out loud, the richest women on earth got their wealth through divorce.
Some women marry for the come up. Its a fact. We have become afraid to say it, because annoying mysoginists exaggerate the number of women like that. But that doesn't mean it isn't true.
Narratives like that piss me off, and these feminists types or even women in general gotta chill because you're making whatever few men who had sympathy get turned off by the dishonesty and self-centeredness.
Again, I ain't some misogynist that acts like men are logical creatures that do no wrong. We aren't.
plenty of us are immature clowns.
But I'm tired of women taking that and running away with it, and acting like any criticism of then is misogynist. No, a lot of you are legit manipulative high-functioning sociopaths/psychopaths.
There's a balance. Yes yall have it worse than us. And yes sexist men generalize yall. But that doesn't mean none of you fit the description