Cryptocurrency Scarface
Gay conspiracy theories
Ive seen this before yall...I am a male
I only used here to make the thread less gay
Plus she does not like me very much
Ive seen this before yall...
Darkling, is "Esmerelda" with u right now?
can u talk? can u tell us why "Esmerelda" doesnt like u?
Does Esmerelda wanna hurt u?
Can to Esmerelda Darkling?
I have been accused of being at least 100 other posters
Been accused of being an alt 1000 times
If you notice my very first posts to now
Same syntax, same topics, same insanity, same retardation
I am constant as the North Star - Julius Caesar
So take my word for it.
I was just playin buddy. Just a little schizophrenia humor.You want to talk about demonic possession?
Despite the hilarity of this thread, that description is probably apt and I kinda appreciate it lolI only have one lord and savior who you desperately need. Me nor Natureboy ever told you to do any of those things. Now what does any of that have to do with you creating this weird thread and trying to lure Gloxina into your heinous grips. Dont ask us what we are hiding,why were you trying to lure Gloxina into talks about sexual depravity? You never saw me do such a thing. Thats a fringe Proverbs 31 woman your talking too,we dont need sick men like you trying to lure her over the cliff @Darkling. Im all for coli romance,but I 100% veto this one before it can even begin, I never did like the cut of your jib