Told y’all: Extreme. Fetal. Alcohol.Syndrome. All those women are trash. No fukking couth. I’m disgusted. And I’m a pervert freak. It’s not what they’re talking about, but I don’t understand why everything is so sexualized all the time. Especially with black women. That’s all they have to talk about is sucking with swallowing? Every fukking thing is attached to their sexuality. It’s like they have no value as a woman or a human being except for what their sexual prowess is. Maybe I’m getting old…
Women who are overtly sexual in public are just starving and trying to get a bite to eat..its the world's oldest profession and it is born out of poverty.
They're just slick in trying to be non active hookers, but they essentially are.
To me it only indicates a generation that has ultimately just given up and is taking the easy way out.
Now try and imagine the abomination that glorilla and her partner will raise if its already this bad