Change is inevitable...
The thing is, The Shield operates in two ways:
1. For Hire
2. For the lulz
There's no telling whether the times they got at Randy was for the lulz (aka just because) or because they were hired.
If I recall, at the time, they were under the employment of Paul Heyman so he could have been doing it at the time in order to protect Punk and piss of Vince at the same time, who we now know had plans on grooming Orton from the get go
They work for HHH now so Randy is under protection
1. For Hire
2. For the lulz
There's no telling whether the times they got at Randy was for the lulz (aka just because) or because they were hired.
If I recall, at the time, they were under the employment of Paul Heyman so he could have been doing it at the time in order to protect Punk and piss of Vince at the same time, who we now know had plans on grooming Orton from the get go

They work for HHH now so Randy is under protection
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