She luv it over here like Gold Watch.
I have this vision in my head of a trans breh, in a bad wig/ponytail that couldn't make the league, but is some rando G league nikka...and he out there putting up MONSTER numbers on the WNBA court. Like, Treh is LeBron, MJ, and Kobe all in one...
being super disrespectful with it...yamming on these females, nuts/bussy all in they face...hard fouls, killer crossovers, and backing them down in the paint like prime Malone...all while the wig barely staying on properly...Treh just smiling this isheating grin and talking mad smack to these females...
IDK, I would probably pay real money to see that in person just to laugh my tail off...Nig out there playing lockdown defense, swatting shots so disrespectfully, putting up rebounds and couldn't NOBODY stop him/shim...
Just gotta be careful what kind of precedent they set with all this, because we as humans will ALWAYS look for something to take advantage of...Trehs gon steal some of these real womens' scholarships and whatnot...smh
Juwanna Mann