Thing is guys, I can see the point in not sending her to prison during the week ,because just look at the state of her, how can someone like that find 90 k compensation without working it off?I doubt she has a rich hubby, probably pumped out a few kids with different fathers, and she can't spread her legs to pay it off, who'd pay for that? Prison wages are not going to cut it ,for this guy ,if I was him I would want the money a bit quicker.
This is how I would punish her if I was the judge.
1 I consider making a false rape allegation a sex crime, I have my reasons and if anyone wants to know why ask me, so i would make her sign the sex offenders register for a similar amount of time a rapist would have to.
2 I would make her spend 8 years worth of weekends in jail, he was put away for 4 years of his life, I think false accusations should be punished more harshly so she should do 8 yrs worth of weekends.
3 I do not believe 90 k compensation is enough. that is roughly 22 thousand dollars per that even minimum wage in america? I believe 50 k a year is a more suitable figure for his time, so thats 200000 dollars, ,plus he should have some money added on for the rauma and the tarnishing of his reputation as being accused of a sex crime is life changing. so I would add on the 90 k to the figure so,in my eyes 290000 dollars is a fairer figure.That figure should come from the state,so he gets that amount instantly,as from what I understand there was no evidence and the judge took her word for it. I would expect her to hand over a certain percentage of their income to the state ,in wages and any other assets if needs be for the rest of their lives or until the figure was paid off. If they cannot ,she will have addition time added on to her sentence.