She got that sexy sorority girl energyShe's bad

Shiiiiieeeeeeeeeeet, I'd risk it all
She got that sexy sorority girl energyShe's bad
She got that sexy sorority girl energyAND she hoops and understands competition/hard work?
Shiiiiieeeeeeeeeeet, I'd risk it all
I didn't know her dad is Dee Brown,
She should be on somebody's team, relationship wise.
She got that sexy sorority girl energyAND she hoops and understands competition/hard work?
Shiiiiieeeeeeeeeeet, I'd risk it all
The cast is out of touch and still live in the late 2000s, early 2010s with their takes.This show is wild corny. I don't get how people can watch/listen to it.
You can make the same argument for all of major sports shows that cover basketballThe cast is out of touch and still live in the late 2000s, early 2010s with their takes.
They need a numbers guy to keep them honest and challenge their narratives.
That's impossible to know without being in that situation IMO. In the real world when dealing with a boss it's easy to say fukk you to an a$$hole boss and find a job somewhere else.The whole "hard coach"/Bob knight convo was funny. Mccants basically said he wasnt allowing no any kind of behavior/attitude from coaches. Kmart and Gil went overboard saying how you got to play the game for the scholarship.
Kmart "Thank you white man"
Gil: "I dont care if they call me boy, long as I'm playing"
You can tell they felt some type of way about Mccants saying he wouldnt let a white dude be disrespectful, they(Gil/Kmart) starting ganging up on him about not playing in the league for long.
That's the thing, Mccants was in that situation and gave examples, said the coaches "tried to break him" in college. Mccants wasnt just being a hardhead to the coach just cause, seemed like he was on some "dont disrespect me or treat me like a child" shyt.That's impossible to know without being in that situation IMO. In the real world when dealing with a boss it's easy to say fukk you to an a$$hole boss and find a job somewhere else.