Kenyon spitting facts he called gil and shad simple minded
Shad was right on that Barkley/Shaq shyt. Arenas getting killed today
Brandon Jennings was on Club 520 and you could tell he was glad to be around some dudes his ageI’ve said it countless times, it’s unfortunate Jennings doesn’t know how to articulate himself/shells up too easily, because that was an easy argument to destroy both Gil and Kenyon on.
Kenyon getting all loud and aggressive whenever he’s flustered
They need someone who can hit him with theand keep going at him with logic no matter how loud he keeps getting.
Brandon Jennings was on Club 520 and you could tell he was glad to be around some dudes his age
Kenyon be little boying him
All of their takes are terrible for the most part. They are so stupid it’s entertaining.Gilbert’s takes are terrible
That AI 40pt convo was funny. All he did was say "Harden didnt do it" when Rashad and GIl cam with some numbers/reason as to backing up why AI would score more today.Brandon Jennings be so unprepared for debate. He could get Gil and Rashad outta there on alot of them dumb ass takes if he just had some points or facts to reference...dude just sit there and repeat the stance with his arms folded and lips poked out