A degree will help you get a better paying job (depending on what your degree is about).
If you want to get rich, your degree could still help. For example you could sell your services in whatever you studied for. You could have your own lawfirm but you need to be a lawyer. And so on.
Other ways to get rich are real estate, buying established franchises, inventing something that solves an important problem and that scales, etc. with those, you don't need a degree.
I think the most important skills you need to get wealthy are learning how to learn, learning how to sell, learning how to cultivate relationships, learning how to organize ressources and basic math. All of which you can learn outside of school.
I think the idea of a college degree just for the sake of it is overrated. Especially if you get a useless one. And especially if you end up with massive debt to get it. But getting the right degree and using the opportunity to its fullest potential (connecting with people and professors/mentors) is underrated.