Produced, Arranged, Composed and Performed by....
Just took a walk down Yonge - it's basically one continuous scream from College to Dundas. 
Before tonight, I had two abiding Raptors memories. The first was going to the store the night they drafted Jonas and seeing a guy sitting on the curb like
and he just looks up. I said 'Latvia?
' and he just said 'LATVIA!
The second was seeing Rudy Gay in **** Renfrew and saying to him 'You got this if we make the playoffs, right?' and getting hit with a real life
This one is the best
Kawhiborg The Gawd
(Circuit) boardman about to get paid

Before tonight, I had two abiding Raptors memories. The first was going to the store the night they drafted Jonas and seeing a guy sitting on the curb like

The second was seeing Rudy Gay in **** Renfrew and saying to him 'You got this if we make the playoffs, right?' and getting hit with a real life

This one is the best

Kawhiborg The Gawd

(Circuit) boardman about to get paid